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In the mean season while he was yet speaking, there came another, and said, "The Chaldeans made three armies, and fell upon thy camels, which they have carried away: yea, and slain thy servants with the sword, and I only am gotten away, to tell thee."

and suddenly there came a mighty great wind out of the South, and smote the four corners of the house: which fell upon thy children, so that they are dead, and I alone am gotten away, to tell thee."

but let it be stained with darkness, and the shadow of death. Let the dim cloud fall upon it, and let it be lapped in with sorrow.

As the princes that have great substance of gold, and their houses full of silver.

For my sighs come before I eat, and my roarings fall out like flowing water.

But they that fear the hoarfrost, the snow shall fall upon them.

Ye fall upon the fatherless, and go about to overthrow your own friend.

When I laid me down to sleep, I said, 'O when shall I rise?' Again, I longed sore for the night. Thus am I full of sorrow, till it be dark.

If I have done wickedly, woe is me therefore. If I have done righteously, yet dare I not lift up my head; so full am I of confusion, and see mine own misery.

Shall he not make you afraid, when he showeth himself? Shall not his terrible face fall upon you?

Wilt thou be so cruel and extreme unto a flying leaf, and follow upon dry stubble?

Whereas I, notwithstanding, must consume like as a foul carrion, and as a cloth that is moth eaten.

The mountains fall away at the last, the rocks are removed out of their place;

"Should a wise man's answer be as the science of the wind, and fill his belly with the wind of the east?

How much more then an abominable and vile man, which drinketh wickedness like water?

He shall be plucked off as an untimely grape from the vine, and shall let his flower fall, as the olive doth.

Wherefore are we counted as beasts, and reputed so vile in your sight?

From his youth his bones are full of vice; but now shall it lie down with him in the earth.

"For though the wicked have never so much to fill his belly, yet God shall send his wrath upon him, and cause his indignation to rain over him:

so that if he flee the iron weapons, he shall be shot with the steel bow.

What manner of fellow is the Almighty, that we should serve him? What profit should we have, to submit ourselves unto him?'

even when his bowels are at the fattest, and his bones full of marrow.

Then shall he be fain to be buried among the stones by the brookside. All men must follow him, and there are innumerable gone before him.

to plead my cause before him, and to fill my mouth with arguments:

Rivers flow out of the rocks, and look: what is pleasant, his eye seeth it.

Their dwelling was beside foul brooks, yea in the caves and dens of the earth.

they abhor me, they flee far from me, and stain my face with spittle,

They fell upon me, as it had been the breaking in of waters, and came in by heaps to destroy me.

Therefore is my mind poured full of heaviness, and the days of trouble have taken hold upon me.

In times past thou didst set me up on high, as it were above the wind, but now hast thou given me a very sore fall.

But now I am a companion of dragons, and a fellow of ostriches.

Then let mine arm fall from my shoulder, and mine arm holes be broken from the joints.

Yet they of mine own household say, 'Who shall let us to have our belly full of his flesh?'

For I am full of words, and the spirit that is within me, compelleth me.

In dreams and visions of the night season - When slumbering cometh upon men, that they fall a sleep in their beds -

then the LORD is merciful unto him, and sayeth, 'He shall be delivered, that he fall not down to destruction, for I am sufficiently reconciled.'

Even so shall he keep thee - if thou wilt be content - from the bottomless pit that is beneath: and if thou wilt hold the quiet, he shall fill thy table with plenteousness.

"When he commandeth the snow, it falleth upon the earth: As soon as he giveth the rain a charge, immediately the showers have their strength, and fall down.

but seek their pasture about the mountains and follow the green grass.

"Behold, I am too vile a person to answer thee, therefore will I lay my hand upon my mouth.

Canst thou fill the net with his skin, or the fish panner with his head?