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And his sons went and made banquets - one day in one house, another day in another - and sent for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.

And it fortuned that when they had passed over the time of their banqueting round about; Job sent for them, and sanctified them, and gat up early, and offered for every one a burnt offering. For Job thought thus: "Peradventure my sons have done some offense, and have been unthankful to God in their hearts." And thus did Job everyday.

And while he was yet speaking, there came another, and said, "The fire of God is fallen from heaven, it hath consumed, and burnt up all thy sheep and servants: and I only ran my way, to tell thee."

and suddenly there came a mighty great wind out of the South, and smote the four corners of the house: which fell upon thy children, so that they are dead, and I alone am gotten away, to tell thee."

Then said the LORD unto Satan, "Hast thou not considered my servant Job, how that he is an innocent and virtuous man such one as feareth God, and escheweth evil, and that there is none like him in the land? But thou movedst me against him, to punish him: yet is it in vain, for he continueth still in his godliness."

Satan answered the LORD, and said, "Skin for skin? Yea, a man will give all that ever he hath, for his life.

Now when Job's friends heard of all the trouble that happened to him, there came three of them, every one from his own place: namely, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. For they were agreed together to come, to shew their compassion on him, and to comfort him.

They sat them down by him also upon the ground seven days and seven nights. Neither was there any of them that spake one word unto him, for they saw that his pain was very great.

Let the stars of that night be dim through darkness of it. Let it look for light, but let it see none, neither the raising up of the fair morning:

because it shut not up the womb that bare me. For then should these sorrows have been hid from mine eyes.

There, are those let out free which have been in prison, so that they hear no more the voice of the oppressor.

There, are small and great; the bondman, and he that is free from his master.

and search for it more than for treasure. Which also would be exceedingly glad, and rejoice if they found their grave.

For my sighs come before I eat, and my roarings fall out like flowing water.

For the thing that I feared is come upon me: and the thing that I was afraid of, is happened unto me.

Where is now thy fear of God, thy steadfastness, thy patience, and the perfectness of thy ways?

The lion perisheth, for lack of prey, and the lion's whelps are scattered abroad.

As for the foolish man, displeasure killeth him; and anger slayeth the ignorant.

Insomuch that they run into darkness by fair day, and grope about them at the noonday, like as in the night.

He shall keep thee from the perilous tongue so that when trouble cometh, thou shalt not need to fear.

In destruction and dearth thou shalt be merry, and shalt not be afraid for the beasts of the earth:

Yea, thou shalt know that thy dwelling place shall be in rest: thou shalt behold thy substance, and be no more punished for sin.

For then should it be heavier than the sand of the sea.

For the arrows of the almighty are in me, whose indignation hath drunk up my spirit, and the terrible fears of God fight against me.

The things that sometime I might not away withal, are now my meat for very sorrow.

"O that I might have my desire! O that God would grant me the thing, that I long for!

Then should I have some comfort: yea, I would desire him in my pain, that he should not spare, for I will not be against the words of the holy one.

like as if one withdrew a good deed from his friend, and forsook the fear of the Almighty God?

But they that fear the hoarfrost, the snow shall fall upon them.

When their time cometh, they shall be destroyed and perish: and when they be set on fire, they shall be removed out of their place,

for the paths that they go in are crooked: they haste after vain things, and shall perish.

Confounded are they that put any confidence in them: For when they came to obtain the things that they looked for, they were brought to confusion.

For like as a bond servant desireth the shadow, and as a hireling would fain have an end of his work:

When I laid me down to sleep, I said, 'O when shall I rise?' Again, I longed sore for the night. Thus am I full of sorrow, till it be dark.

For if thou fasten thine eyes upon me, I come to naught like as a cloud is consumed and vanisheth away. Even so, he that goeth down to hell, cometh no more up,

I can see no remedy. I shall live no more. O spare me then, for my days are but vain.

When thy sons sinned against him, did not he punish them for their wickedness?

For we are but of yesterday, and consider not that our days upon earth are but a very shadow.

Lo, thus is it with him that rejoiceth in his own doings: and as for others, they grow out of the earth.

"I know it is so of a truth: for how may a man, compared unto God, be justified?

If I will justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me; if I will put forth my self for a perfect man, he shall prove me a wicked doer.

For though I be an innocent, and my conscience clear, yea am I weary of my life.

As for the world, he giveth it over into the power of the wicked; and he shall cover the faces of the judges thereof. Is it not so? Where is he - or who is he - that can show the contrary?

Then am I afraid of all my works, for I know thou wilt not judge me innocent.

and then shall I answer him without any fear. For as long as I am in such fearfulness, I can make no answer: And why?

that thou makest such inquisition for my wickedness, and searchest out my sin?

For it is he that knoweth the vanity of men. He seeth their wickedness also; should he not then consider it?

Then mightest thou lift up thy face without shame! Then shouldest thou be sure, and have no need to fear.

Godliness is a light despised in the hearts of the rich, and is set for them to stumble upon.

and grope in the dark without light, staggering to and fro like drunken men.

As for you, ye are workmasters of lies, and unprofitable physicians altogether.

Would God ye kept your tongue, that ye might be taken for wise men!

Will ye make an answer for God with lies, and maintain him with deceit?

"Hold your tongues now, and let me speak, for there is something come into my mind.

What is he that will go to law with me? For if I hold my tongue, I shall die.

And then send for me to the law, that I may answer for myself: or else, let me speak, and give thou the answer.

Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and holdest me for thine enemy?

For thou layest sharply to my charge, and punisheth me, for the sins of my youth.

Go from him, that he may rest until his day come: which he looketh for, like as a hireling doth.

For though a root be waxen old and dead in the ground,

But as for man; when he is dead, perished and consumed away, what becometh of him?

"For thou hast numbered all my goings, yet be not thou too extreme upon my sins.

As for shame, thou hast set it aside - else wouldest thou not make so many words before God.

Hast thou heard the secret counsel of God, that all wisdom is too little for thee?

For he hath stretched out his hand against God, and armed himself against the Almighty.

For the congregation of hypocrites is unfruitful, and the fire shall consume the houses of such as are greedy to receive gifts.

"But what shall I do? For all my words, my sorrow will not cease: and though I hold my tongue, yet will it not depart from me.

I was some time in wealth, but suddenly hath he brought me to naught. He hath taken me by the neck, he hath rent me, and set me, as it were a mark for him to shoot at.

For lo, my witness is in heaven, and he that knoweth me, is above in the height.

"As for you, turn you, and get you hence, I pray you - seeing I cannot see one wise man among you.

What helpeth then my long tarrying? Or, who will fulfill the thing that I look for?

Shall not the light of the ungodly be put out? Yea, the flame of his fire shall not burn.

For his feet shall be taken in the net, and he is at his wits end.

The snare is laid for him in the ground, and a pitfall in the way.

All his comfort and hope shall be rooted out of his dwelling, and shall bring him unto the king of fear.

Lo, ten times have ye reproved me: are ye not ashamed, for to laugh me to scorn?

He hath put my brethren far away from me, and such as were of mine acquaintance, are become strangers unto me.

The servants and maids of mine own house take me for a stranger, and I am become as an alien in their sight.

Mine own wife may not abide my breath, I was fain to speak fair for the children of mine own body.

But beware of the sword, for the sword will be avenged of wickedness. And be sure, that there is a judgment."

"For the same cause do my thoughts compel me to answer. And why? My mind is tossed here and there.

The riches that he devoured, shall he vomit out again; for God shall draw them out of his belly.

But he shall labour, and yet have nothing to eat. Great travail shall he make for riches, but he shall not enjoy them.

"For though the wicked have never so much to fill his belly, yet God shall send his wrath upon him, and cause his indignation to rain over him:

The arrow shall be taken forth, and go out at his back; and a glistering sword through the gall of him. Fear shall come upon him.

There shall no darkness be able to hide him. An unkindled fire shall consume him; and look, what remaineth in his house, it shall be destroyed.

This is the portion that the wicked shall have of God, and the heritage that he may look for of the LORD."

For when I ponder and consider this, I am afraid, and my flesh is smitten with fear.