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and said, "Let the day perish, wherein I was born,

"Alas, why died I not in the birth? Why did not I perish, as soon as I came out of my mother's womb?

With the blast of God they perish, and with the breath of his anger are they consumed away.

They shall be destroyed from morning unto the evening: yea, they shall perish everlastingly, and no man think thereon.

When their time cometh, they shall be destroyed and perish: and when they be set on fire, they shall be removed out of their place,

for the paths that they go in are crooked: they haste after vain things, and shall perish.

"Then, no doubt, ye are the men alone; and wisdom shall perish with you.

but when man sleepeth, he riseth not again, until the heaven perish: he shall not wake up nor rise out of his sleep.

He shall perish, before his time be worn out, and his hand shall not be green.

His remembrance shall perish from the earth, and his name shall not be praised in the streets:

His belly could never be filled; therefore shall he perish in his covetousness.

The substance that he hath in his house, shall be taken away and perish, in the day of the LORD's wrath.

If he get many children, they shall perish with the sword, and his posterity shall have scarceness of bread.

Have I seen any man perish through nakedness and want of clothing? Or any poor man for lack of raiment,

In the twinkling of an eye shall they be slain: and at midnight, when the people and the tyrants rage, then shall they perish, and be taken away without hands.

But if they will not obey, they shall go through the sword, and perish before they be aware.