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And it fortuned that when they had passed over the time of their banqueting round about; Job sent for them, and sanctified them, and gat up early, and offered for every one a burnt offering. For Job thought thus: "Peradventure my sons have done some offense, and have been unthankful to God in their hearts." And thus did Job everyday.

But lay thine hand upon him, touch him once upon the bone and flesh, and, I hold, he shall curse thee to thy face."

They sat them down by him also upon the ground seven days and seven nights. Neither was there any of them that spake one word unto him, for they saw that his pain was very great.

because it shut not up the womb that bare me. For then should these sorrows have been hid from mine eyes.

Then should I now have lain still; I should have slept, and been at rest,

There, are those let out free which have been in prison, so that they hear no more the voice of the oppressor.

Behold, thou hast been a teacher of many, and hast comforted the weary hands.

Then should I have some comfort: yea, I would desire him in my pain, that he should not spare, for I will not be against the words of the holy one.

"Enquire, I pray thee, of them that have been before thee; and search diligently among thy forefathers.

If they had carried me to my grave as soon as I was born, then should I be now, as though I had never been.

He poureth out confusion upon princes, and comforteth them that have been oppressed.

which wise men have told, and hath not been hid from their fathers:

I should comfort you with my mouth, and release your pain with the talking of my lips.

My bone hangeth to my skin, and my flesh is away; there is left me only the skin about my teeth.

would God they were graven with an iron pen in lead or in stone.

the praise of the ungodly hath been short, and that the joy of the hypocrites continued but the twinkling of an eye?

He that should have been lost, gave me a good word, and the widow's heart praised me.

"Therefore, I thought verily that I should have died in my nest: and that my days should have been as many as the sands of the sea.

And when they were driven forth, men cried after them, as it had been after a thief.

They fell upon me, as it had been the breaking in of waters, and came in by heaps to destroy me.

For if I had feared any great multitude of people, or if I had been despised of the simple; Oh then should I have been afraid. Thus have I quietly spent my life, and not gone out at the door.

Have the gates of death been open unto thee, or hast thou seen the door of everlasting treasure?

Or when they lie down, when they cast their young ones, and when they are delivered of their travail and pain?

And then came there unto him all his brethren, all his sisters, with all them that had been of his acquaintance afore, and ate bread with him in his house: wondering at him, and comforting him over all the trouble that the LORD had brought upon him. Every man gave him a sheep and a Jewel of gold.