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For the arrows of the almighty are in me, whose indignation hath drunk up my spirit, and the terrible fears of God fight against me.

Thou hast put my foot in the stocks: thou lookest narrowly unto all my paths, and markest the steps of my feet.

For his feet shall be taken in the net, and he is at his wits end.

His foot shall be holden in the gilder, and the thirsty shall catch him.

My foot doth keep his path; his highway have I holden, and will not go out of it.

Behold, even as the wild asses in the desert go they forth to their work, and rise betimes to spoil: Yea, the very wilderness ministereth food for them and their children. by times, as their manner is, to spoil: Yea the very wilderness ministereth food for their children.

He bringeth food out of the earth, and that which is under, consumeth he with fire.

I was an eye unto the blind, and a foot to the lame;

Upon my right hand they rose together against me; they have hurt my feet, made a way to destroy me,

If I have cleaved unto vanity, or if my feet have run to deceive,

If so be that I have withdrawn my foot out of the right way, if my heart hath followed mine eyesight, if I have stained or defiled my hands,

He hath put my foot in the stocks, and looketh narrowly unto all my paths.'

She remembereth not that they might be trodden with feet or broken with some wild beast.

He breaketh the ground with the hooves of his feet cheerfully in his strength, and runneth to meet the harness men.

His young ones are fed with blood, and where any dead body lieth, there is he immediately."

look well, that thou makest all such as be stubburn, to obey; tread all the ungodly under thy feet,