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let the enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it; yes, let him tread my life down to the earth, and lay my glory in the dust. Selah.

Then I beat them small as the dust before the wind. I cast them out as the mire of the streets.

My strength is dried up like a potsherd. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. You have brought me into the dust of death.

All the rich ones of the earth shall eat and worship. All those who go down to the dust shall bow before him, even he who can't keep his soul alive.

"What profit is there in my destruction, if I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise you? Shall it declare your truth?

The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit. He has ceased to be wise and to do good.

For our soul is bowed down to the dust. Our body clings to the earth.

"You give your mouth to evil. Your tongue frames deceit.

Those who dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him. His enemies shall lick the dust.

He rained also flesh on them as the dust; winged birds as the sand of the seas.

You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.

He who practices deceit won't dwell within my house. He who speaks falsehood won't be established before my eyes.

For your servants take pleasure in her stones, and have pity on her dust.

You hide your face: they are troubled; you take away their breath: they die, and return to the dust.

for they have opened the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of deceit against me. They have spoken to me with a lying tongue.

Streams of tears run down my eyes, because they don't observe your law. TZADI

Rescue me, and deliver me out of the hands of foreigners, whose mouths speak deceit, whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.