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His trouble shall turn back upon his head, and his violence shall come down upon his crown.

In my straits I will call upon Jehovah, and to my God will I cry: he will hear my voice from his temple, and my cry will come before him into his ears.

And he will incline the heavens and come down: and gloom under his feet

They shall come and announce his justice to a people being born, for he made.

Lift up your heads, ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye openings of eternity, and the King of glory shall come in.

Lift up, ye gates, your heads, and be lifted up, ye openings of eternity, and the King of glory shall come in.

Desolation shall come to him not knowing, and his net which he hid shall take him: in destruction he shall fall in it

The foot of pride shall not come to me, and the hand of the unjust shall not move me.

For thine arrows came down upon me, and thy hand will press down upon me.

Then I said, Behold, I came: in the volume of the book it was written concerning me.

And if he came to see, he will speak vanity: his heart will gather vanity to him; he will go forth without; he will speak.

All this came to us, and we did not forget thee, and we lied not in thy covenant

They shall be brought with gladness and joy: they shall come into the temple of the king.

Come, behold the works of Jehovah, what desolations he set in the earth.

As sheep they were laid in hades; death shall rule over them, and the upright shall come down upon them in the morning; and their rock for falling away in hades from a dwelling to him.

Our God shall come, and he will not be silent: a fire shall consume before him, and it stormed greatly round about him.

To the overseer instruction to David: In the coming of Doeg the Edomite to Saul, and he will say to him, David came to the house of Ahimelech. Why wilt thou boast in evil, thou strong one? the mercy of God is all the day.

Come, hear, and I will recount, all ye fearing God, what he did for my soul

To the overseer upon the lilies; to David. Save me, O God, for the waters came even to the soul.

I sank in mire of depth, and no standing: I came into depths of waters and the floods overwhelmed me.

Thou wilt give iniquity to their iniquity, and they shall not come into thy justice.

Be thou to me for a rock of refuge to come always: thou didst command to save me, for thou my rock and my fortress.

And also even to old age and grayness, O God, thou wilt not forsake me; till I shall announce thine arm to the generation, thy strength to every one who shall come:

Till I shall come to the holy place of God I shall not understand for their latter state.

Did his mercy fail forever? his word come to an end to generation and generation?

For this Jehovah heard and he will overflow, and a fire was kindled in Jacob, and also anger came up upon Israel.

And the anger of God came up upon them, and he will slay among their fat ones and he bowed down the chosen of Israel.

Chanting to Asaph. O God, the nations came into thine inheritance; they defiled thy holy temple; they set Jerusalem for ruins.

The mourning of the bound shall come before thee; according to the greatness of thine arm let the sons of death remain

Before Epraim and Benjainin add Manasseh raise up thy strength, and come to save for us.

My prayer shall come before thee: incline thine ear to my wailing;

Evil shall not approach to thee, and a blow shall not come near in thy tent

For I sware in mine anger if they shall come in to my rest

Give to Jehovah the glory of his name: lift ye up a gift and come to his enclosures.

Before the face of Jehovah; for he came, for he came to judge the earth: he will judge the habitable globe in justice, and the peoples in his faithfulness.

Before Jehovah; for he came to judge the earth: he will judge the habitable globe in justice, and the peoples in uprightness

I will be prudent in a blameless way. When wilt thou come to me? I will go about in integrity of heart in the midst of my house.

Prayer for the poor when he shall languish, and before Jehovah shall pour out his complaint O Jehovah, hear my prayer, and my cry shall come to thee.

Thou wilt arise, thou wilt compassionate Zion: for the time to compassionate her for the appointment came.

They humbled his feet with the fetter: his soul came into iron:

Even to the time his word came: the sayings of Jehovah purified him.

And Israel will come into Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.

He said, and the gad-fly will come, and gnats in all their bounds.

He said, and the locust will come and the feeder, and no number.

In his being judged he shall come forth condemned: and his prayer shall be for sin.

And he will love cursing, and it shall come to him: and he delighted not in praise, and it shall be far from him.

And he will put on cursing as his garment, and it shall come into his midst as water, and as oil into his bones.

And thy mercy shall come to me, O Jehovah, thy salvation according to thy saying.

Thy compassion shall come to me and I shall live, for thy law is my delight

My supplication shall come before thee: deliver me according to thy word.

Song of ascensions. I will lift up mine eyes to the mountains from whence shall come my help.

He going, shall go; and weeping he lifted up the drawing of the seed: coming, he shall come with joy, lifting up his sheaves.

O Jehovah, incline thy heavens, and thou wilt come down: touch upon the mountains and they shall smoke.