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Let the voice of my cry come to you, my King and my God; for to you will I make my prayer.

O Lord my God, I put my faith in you; take me out of the hands of him who is cruel to me, and make me free;

O Lord my God, if I have done this; if my hands have done any wrong;

Come up, Lord, in your wrath; be lifted up against my haters; be awake, my God, give orders for the judging.

Let my voice come before you, and give me an answer, O Lord my God; let your light be shining on me, so that the sleep of death may not overtake me;

In my trouble my voice went up to the Lord, and my cry to my God: my voice came to his hearing in his holy Temple, and my prayer came before him, even into his ears.

For I have kept the ways of the Lord; I have not been turned away in sin from my God.

You, O Lord, will be my light; by you, my God, the dark will be made bright for me.

O my God, I make my cry in the day, and you give no answer; and in the night, and have no rest.

I was in your hands even before my birth; you are my God from the time when I was in my mother's body.

Be my judge, O Lord my God, in your righteousness; do not let them be glad over me.

O Lord my God, great are the wonders which you have done in your thought for us; it is not possible to put them out in order before you; when I would give an account of them, their number is greater than I may say.

Though I am poor and in need, the Lord has me in mind; you are my help and my saviour; let there be no waiting, O my God.

Why are you crushed down, O my soul? and why are you troubled in me? put your hope in God; for I will again give him praise who is my help and my God.

Why are you crushed down, O my soul? and why are you troubled in me? put your hope in God, for I will again give him praise who is my help and my God.

You are my King and my God; ordering salvation for Jacob.

Truly, no man may get back his soul for a price, or give to God the payment for himself;

The God of my mercy will go before me: God will let me see my desire effected on my haters.

O God, you are my God; early will I make my search for you: my soul is dry for need of you, my flesh is wasted with desire for you, as a dry and burning land where no water is;

We see your going, O God: even the going of my God, my King, into the holy place.

Let all those who are looking for you be glad and have joy in you; let the lovers of your salvation ever say, May God be great.

O my God, take me out of the hand of the sinner, out of the hand of the evil and cruel man.

O God, be not far from me; O my God, come quickly to my help.

I will give praise to you with instruments of music, O my God, for you are true; I will make songs to you with music, O Holy One of Israel.

The little birds have places for themselves, where they may put their young, even your altars, O Lord of armies, my King and my God.

For a day in your house is better than a thousand. It is better to be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to be living in the tents of sin.

He will say to me, You are my father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.

Give me help, O Lord my God; in your mercy be my saviour;

You are my God, and I will give you praise; my God, and I will give honour to your name.

I have said to the Lord, You are my God: give ear, O Lord, to the voice of my prayer.