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And the flax and the barley were struck: for the barley was ripe, and the flax high.

And for the second rib of the tent, to the north side, twenty boards.

And make bars of acacia wood; five for the boards of the one rib of the tent

And five bars for the boards of the rib of the tent, and five bars for the boards of the rib of the tent, for the two hinder parts to the sea.

And put the table from without the vail, and the chandelier over against the table upon the rib of the tent at the right hand and the table thou shalt give upon the north rib.

A gold bell and a pomegranate, a gold bell ana a pomegranate, upon the train of the robe round about

And take the garments, and put upon Aaron the tunic and the robe of the ephod, and the ephod, and the breast-plate, and gird on him with the girdle of the ephod.

And for the second rib of the temple for the north side, he made twenty boards,

And he will make bars of acacia wood; five for the boards of the one rib of the temple,

And five bars for the second rib of the temple, and five bars for the boards of the temple, for the hinder parts to the sea.

And he will cast for it four rings of gold over its four steps, and two rings upon its one rib, and two rings upon its second rib.

And he will make the robe of the ephod a woven work, all cerulean purple.

And the mouth of the robe in the midst of it as the mouth of a coat of mail, a lip to its mouth round about, it shall not rend.

And they will make upon the skirts of the robe, pomegranates, cerulean purple, and red purple, and twined double scarlet

And they will make bells of pure gold, and will set the bells between the pomegranates upon the skirts of the robe, round about between the pomegranates.

A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, upon the skirts of the robe round about, to serve; as Jehovah commanded Moses.