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But in vain is the net laid forth before the bird's eyes.

so long till she hath wounded his liver with her dart: like as if a bird hasted to the snare, not knowing that the peril of his life lieth thereupon.

"O come on your way, eat my bread, and drink my wine, which I have poured out for you.

"Stolen waters are sweet, and the bread that is privily eaten, hath a good taste."

A simple man which laboureth and worketh, is better than one that is gorgeous and lacketh bread.

A troublous soul disquieteth herself; for her own mouth hath brought her thereto.

Every man liketh the bread that is gotten in deceit; but at the last his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

Like as the bird, and the swallow take their flight and flee here and there; so the curse that is given in vain, shall not light upon a man.

To have respect of persons in judgment is not good: And why? He will do wrong; yea, even for a piece of bread.

He that is of a proud stomach, stirreth up strife; but he that putteth his trust in the LORD, shall be well fed.

There are people that have a proud look, and cast up their eyelids.