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for that shall bring grace unto thy head, and shall be a chain about thy neck.

These are the ways of all such as be covetous, that one would ravish another's life.

even when the thing that ye be afraid of, falleth in suddenly like a storm, and your misery like a tempest: yea, when trouble and heaviness cometh upon you.

Therefore shall they eat the fruits of their own way, and be filled with their own counsels:

for the turning away of the unwise shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall be their own destruction.

My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and keep my commandments by thee,

That thou mayest be delivered from the evil way, and from the man that speaketh froward things;

That thou mayest be delivered also from the strange woman, and from her that is not thine own: which giveth sweet words,

So shall thy barns be filled with plenteousness, and thy presses shall flow over with sweet wine.

Thou needest not to be afraid of any sudden fear, neither for the violent rushing of the ungodly, when it cometh.

whereas thou hast now to give him. Intend no hurt unto thy neighbour, seeing he hopeth to dwell in rest by thee.

The chief point of wisdom is that thou be willing to obtain wisdom, and before all thy goods to get the understanding.

Hear, my son, and receive my words, that the years of thy life may be many.

My son, give heed unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my prudence:

That other men be not filled with thy goods, and that thy labours come not in a strange house.

but let them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee.

Let her be as the loving hind, and pleasant roe: let her breasts alway satisfy thee, and hold thee ever content with her love.

The wickedness of the ungodly shall catch himself, and with the snares of his own sins shall he be trapped.

Because he would not be reformed, he shall die: and for his great foolishness he shall be destroyed.

My son, if thou be surety for thy neighbour, thou hast fastened thine hand with another man:

Therefore my son, do this: and thou shalt be discharged, when thou art come into thy neighbour's danger. Go thy ways then soon, and entreat thy neighbour:

so shall poverty come unto thee as one that travaileth by the way, and necessity like a weaponed man.

May a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burnt?

Or can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be hurt?

Even so, whosoever goeth in to his neighbour's wife, and toucheth her, can not be unguilty.

But if he may be gotten, he restoreth again seven times as much, or else he maketh recompense with all the goods of his house.

He getteth himself also shame and dishonour, such as shall never be put out.

My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments by thee.

going over the streets, by the corner, in the way toward the harlot's house;

in the twilight of the evening, when it began now to be night and dark.

Come, let us lie together, and take our pleasure till it be daylight.

suddenly to follow her - as it were an ox to the slaughter, and like as it were a fool that laugheth when he goeth to the stocks to be punished -

Let not thine heart wander in her ways, and be thou not deceived in her paths.

Take heed unto knowledge, O ye ignorant; be wise in heart, O ye fools.

Give ear, for I will speak of great matters, and open my lips to tell things that be right.

For my throat shall be talking of the truth, and my lips abhor ungodliness.

For wisdom is more worth than precious stones; yea, all the things that thou canst desire, are not to be compared unto it.

As for the round compass of his world, I make it joyful: for my delight is to be among the children of men.

If thou be wise, thy wisdom shall do thyself good: but if thou thinkest scorn thereof, it shall be thine own harm.

to call such as go by, and walk straight in their ways.

He that leadeth an innocent life, walketh surely; but whoso goeth a wrong way, shall be known.

He that winketh with his eye, will do some harm; but he that hath a foolish mouth shall be beaten.

To take heed unto the chastening of nurture, is the way of life; but he that refuseth to be reformed, deceiveth himself.

The righteous shall never be overthrown; but the ungodly shall not remain in the land.

The mouth of the just will be talking of wisdom; but the tongue of the froward shall perish.

The innocent dealing of the just shall lead them; but the unfaithfulness of the despisers shall be their own destruction.

The righteousness of the just shall deliver them; but the despisers shall be taken in their own ungodliness.

The righteous shall be delivered out of trouble; and the ungodly shall come in his stead.

It shall not help the wicked, though they lay all their hands together; but the seed of the righteous shall be preserved.

Whoso hordeth up his corn, shall be cursed among the people; but blessing shall light upon his head that selleth it.

Whoso maketh disquietness in his own house, he shall have wind for his heritage; and the fool shall be servant to the wise.

A man cannot endure in ungodliness; but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.

Or ever thou canst turn thee about, the ungodly shall be overthrown; but the house of the righteous shall stand.

A man shall be commended for his wisdom; but a fool shall be despised.

Every man shall enjoy good according to the innocency of his mouth; and after the works of his hands shall he be rewarded.

A good man shall enjoy the fruit of his mouth; but he that hath a froward mind, shall be spoiled.

With goods every man delivereth his life; and the poor will not be reproved.

The light of the righteous maketh joyful; but the candle of the ungodly shall be put out.

There is plenteousness of food in the fields of the poor; and shall be increased out of measure.

A scornful body seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not; but knowledge is easy to come by, unto him that will understand.

The heart of him that hath understanding will neither despair for any sorrow; nor be too presumptuous for any sudden joy.