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Let us swallow them up like the hell, let us devour them quick and whole, as those that go down into the pit.

Yea, they themselves lay wait one for another's blood, and one of them would slay another.

for the turning away of the unwise shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall be their own destruction.

The LORD will not let the soul of the righteous suffer hunger; but he putteth the ungodly from his desire.

He that refuseth to be reformed, despiseth his own soul; but he that submitteth himself to correction, is wise.

The path of the righteous escheweth evil; and whoso looketh well to his ways, keepeth his own soul.

A troublous soul disquieteth herself; for her own mouth hath brought her thereto.

Whoso keepeth the commandment, keepeth his own soul; but he that regardeth not his way, shall die.

The king ought to be feared as the roaring of a lion; whoso provoketh him unto anger, offendeth against his own soul.

The soul of the ungodly wisheth evil; and hath no pity upon his neighbour.

Spears and snares are in the way of the froward; but he that will keep his soul, let him flee from such.

If thou wilt say, "I knew not of it"; Thinkest thou that he which made the hearts, doth not consider it? And that he which regardeth thy soul, seeth it not? Shall not he recompense every man according to his works?

Even so shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul, as soon as thou hast gotten it. And there is good hope; yea, thy hope shall not be in vain.

Like as the bird, and the swallow take their flight and flee here and there; so the curse that is given in vain, shall not light upon a man.

Whoso keepeth company with a thief, hateth his own soul; he heareth blasphemies, and telleth it not forth.