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Well, now I shall tell you how I will do with my vineyard: I will take the hedge from it, that it may perish, and break down the wall, that it may be trodden under foot.

And immediately I called unto me faithful witnesses: Uriah the priest, and Zachariah the son of Barachiah.

And shall break in upon Judah, increasing in power, till he get him by the throat. He shall fill also the wideness of thy land with his broad wings, O Immanuel."

For thou shalt break the yoke of the people's burden: the staff of his shoulder and the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.

As for their substance, the enemies have carried them to the brook of willows.

Therefore shall Moab make lamentation because of the Moabites that shall be slain: yea, they shall wail all together. Because of the foundations of the city of brick shall ye complain, even ye lame people that are left only behind.

Wherefore my belly rumbled as it had been a lute for Moab's sake, and mine inward members for the brick wall's sake.

For this is the day of the LORD of Hosts, wherein he will plague, tread down, and weed out the valley of visions, and break down the walls, with such a crack, that it shall give a sound in the mountains.

and number the houses of Jerusalem, and break of some of them to make the wall strong.

Behold, for thine example: The Chaldeans were such a people, that no man was like them, Assyria builded them: he set up his castles and palaces, and broke them down again.

Behold, the strength and power of the LORD shall break into the land on every side, like a tempest of hail that beareth down strongholds, and like a horrible, mighty and overflowing water.

For ye comfort yourselves thus: "Tush, we have made a covenant with death, and with hell we are at an agreement. Though there break out any sore plague, it shall not come upon us. For with deceit will we escape, and with nimbleness will we defend ourselves."

Righteousness will I set up again in the balance, and judgment in the weights. The tempest of hail shall take away your refuge, that ye have to deceive withal: and the overflowing waters shall break down your strongholds of dissimulation."

They dare say to the Prophets, "See not," and unto them that be clear of judgment, "Tell us of nothing for to come, but speak friendly words unto us, and preach us false things.

So Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians brake up, and dwelt at Nineveh.

I will go before thee, and make the crooked straight. I shall break the brazen doors, and burst the iron bars.

Thy watchmen shall lift up their voice; with loud voice shall they preach of him. For they shall see him present, when the LORD shall come again to Zion.

For his watchmen are all blind, they have altogether no understanding. They are all dumb dogs, no being able to bark; they are sleepery, sluggish, and lie snorting.

Or is not this rather the fast that I have chosen? To loose wicked bonds, and to unbind bundles of oppression? And to let the bruised go free? And that ye should break all manner yokes?

Then thou shalt see, and shalt have plenty: thine heart shall wonder and break out in joy, when the multitude of the sea are turned to thee, and the armies of the heathen are come unto thee.

The abundance of camels shall cover thee, and the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah shall come all of them from Sheba, and bring gold and frankincense, and shall preach the praise of the LORD.

For Zion's sake therefore will I not hold my tongue, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not cease: until their righteousness break forth as a shining light, and their salvation as a burning lamp.

To a people that is ever defying me to my face. They make their oblations in gardens, and their smoke upon altars of brick;

Moreover, thus sayeth the LORD: like as when one would gather holy grapes, men say unto him, "Break it not off, for it is holy," even so will I do also for my servants' sakes, that I will not destroy them all.

Unto them shall I give a token, and send certain of them that be delivered among the Gentiles: into Tarshish, Put and Lud, where men can handle bows; into Tubal also and Javan. The isles far off, that have not heard speak of me, and have not seen my glory, shall preach my praise among the Gentiles