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Howbeit, his meaning is not so, neither thinketh his heart of this fashion. But he imagineth only, how he may overthrow and destroy much people,

No man shall do evil to another, no man shall destroy another, in all the hill of my Sanctuary. For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, even as though the water of the sea flowed over the earth.

They come not only out of far countries, but also from the ends of the heavens: Even the LORD himself with the ministers of his wrath, to destroy the whole land.

Yea even the fir trees and Cedars of Lebanon rejoice at thy fall, saying, 'Now that thou art laid down, there come no more up to destroy us.'

There shall a way be sought to destroy their children, for their fathers' wickedness: They shall not rise up again to possess the land, and fill the world full of castles and towns.

But the poor shall feed of the best things, and the simple shall dwell in safety. Thy roots will I destroy with hunger, and it shall slay thy remnant.

Whoso may deceive, said the voice, let him deceive: Who so may destroy, let him destroy. Up Elam, besiege it O Media, for I will still all their groanings.

therefore will I also show unto this people a marvelous, terrible, and great thing - Namely this: I will destroy the wisdom of their wise, and the understanding of their learned men shall perish."

Ye shall destroy also the covering of your silver images, and the decking of your golden idols. Even as filthiness shall ye put them away, and say, "Get you hence."

Moreover, thinkest thou that I am come down hither, to destroy this land without the LORD's will? The LORD said unto me: Go down into the land, that thou mayest destroy it.'"

Behold, I will raise up a wind against him, and he shall hear a rumor; and as soon as he heareth it, he shall go again into his country. There will I destroy him with the sword.'"

Yea, sayest thou, hast thou not heard what I have taken in hand, and brought to pass of old time? That same will I do now also: waste, destroy, and bring the strong cities into heaps of stones.

I have long time holden my peace, sayeth the LORD, should I therefore be still, and keep silence for ever? I will cry like a travailing woman, and at once will I destroy, and devour.

I destroy the tokens of witches, and make the Soothsayers go wrong. As for the wise, I turn them backward, and make their cunning foolishness.

It cometh on fast, it maketh haste to appear: It shall not perish, that it should not be able to destroy, neither shall it fail for fault of nourishing.

Behold, I make the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and he maketh a weapon after his handy work. I make also the waster to destroy:

Moreover, thus sayeth the LORD: like as when one would gather holy grapes, men say unto him, "Break it not off, for it is holy," even so will I do also for my servants' sakes, that I will not destroy them all.