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Now when the house of David - that is Ahaz - heard word thereof, that Syria and Ephraim were confederate together: His heart quaked, yea and the hearts also of his people, like as a tree in the field that is moved with the wind.

The trees also of his field shall be of such a number that a child may tell them.

Woe is my heart for Moab's sake. They fled unto the city of Zoar, which is like a fair young bullock of three years old; they went up to Luhith, weeping. The way toward Horonaim was full of lamentation for the hurt.

Gather your counsel, come together in judgment; cover us with your shadow in the midday, as the night doth: hide the chased, and betray not them that are fled.

Mirth and cheer was gone out of the field and vineyards, insomuch that no man was glad nor sung. There went no treader into the winepress, their merry cheer was laid down.

Meet the thirsty with water, O ye citizens of Tema; meet those with bread that are fled.

For all thy Captains gat them to their horses from the ordinance, yea they are all together ridden away, and fled far off.

See ye not that it is hard at hand, that Lebanon shall be turned into a low field, and that the low field shall be as the wood?

the moon shall shine as the sun, and the sunshine shall be seven fold, and have as much shine, as in seven days beside. In that day shall the LORD bind up the bruised sores of his people, and heal their wounds.

His breath is like a vehement flood of water, which goeth up to the throat. That he may take away the people, which have turned themselves unto vanity, and the bridle of error, that lieth in other folks' jaws.

My people's field shall bring thorns and thistles, for in every house is voluptuousness; and in the cities, willfulness.

Unto the time that the spirit be poured upon us from above. Then shall the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the plenteous field shall be reckoned for a wood.

All the stars of heaven shall be consumed, and the heaven shall fold together like a roll, and all the stars thereof shall fall, like as the leaves fall from the vines and fig trees.

For their inhabiters shall be like lame men, brought in fear and confounded. They shall be like the grass and green herbs in the field, like the hay upon housetops, that withereth afore it be grown up.

Afterward it chanced, as he prayed in the temple of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer, his own sons, slew him with the sword, and fled into the land of Ararat. And Esarhaddon his son reigned after him.

The same voice spake, "Now cry." And I said, "What shall I cry?" Then spake it, "That all flesh is grass, and that all the beauty thereof, is as the flower of the field.

For kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and Queens shall be thy nursing mothers. They shall fall before thee with their faces flat upon the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet: that thou mayest know, how that I am the LORD. And who so putteth his trust in me, shall not be confounded.

It cometh on fast, it maketh haste to appear: It shall not perish, that it should not be able to destroy, neither shall it fail for fault of nourishing.

And so shall ye go forth with joy, and be lead with peace. The mountains and hills shall sing with you for joy, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

All the beasts of the field, and all the beasts of the wood, shall come to devour him.

The spirit of the LORD led them as a tame beast goeth in the field. Thus, O God, hast thou led thy people, to make thyself a glorious name withal.

For thus sayeth the LORD: behold, I will let peace into her, like a water flood, and the might of the Heathen like a flowing stream. Then shall ye suck, ye shall be born upon her sides, and be joyful upon her knees.