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Your land lieth waste, your cities are burnt up, your enemies devour your land, and ye must be fain to stand, and look upon it: and it is desolate, as it were with enemies in a battle.

Why offer ye so many sacrifices unto me, sayeth the LORD? I am full of the burnt offerings of weathers, and with the fatness of fed beasts. I have no pleasure in the blood of bullocks, lambs, and goats.

The LORD shall come forth to reason with the senators and princes of his people, and shall say thus unto them, "It is ye that have burnt up my vineyard; the robbery of the poor is in your house.

Moreover all temerarious and seditious power, yea, where there is but a coat filled with blood, shall be burnt, and feed the fire.

Their harvest shall be burnt; their wives, which were their beauty when they came forth, shall be defiled. For it is a people without understanding, and therefore he that created them, shall not favour them; and he that made them, shall not be merciful to them.

And the people shall be burnt like lime, and as thorns burn that are hewn off, and cast in the fire."

Thou gavest me not thy young beasts for burnt offerings, neither didst honour me with thy sacrifices. Though boughtest me no dear spice with thy money, neither pourest the fat of thy sacrifices upon me. Howbeit, I have not been chargeable unto thee in offerings, neither grievous in incense.

They ponder not in their minds, for they have neither knowledge nor understanding, to think thus, "I have burnt one piece in the fire; I have baked bread with the coals thereof; I have roasted flesh withal, and eaten it: shall I now of the residue make an abomination, and fall down before a rotten piece of wood?"

Them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar. For my house shall be a house of prayer for all people.

Our holy house which is our beauty, where our fathers praised thee, is burnt up: yea, all our commodities and pleasures are wasted away.