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And it will be a sign and a witness to Yahweh of hosts in the land of Egypt; when they cry out to Yahweh because of oppressors, he will send them a savior and a {defender}, and he will deliver them.

Verse Conceptsdefence, divineAnswered PromisesCryingThings As Signs

Therefore a curse devours [the] earth, and the inhabitants in it suffer for their guilt. Therefore [the] inhabitants of [the] earth burn, and {few men are left}.

Verse ConceptsFew PeopleGod CursingGuiltThe Earth

For I [am] Yahweh, your God, the holy one of Israel, your savior. I give you Egypt [as] ransom, Cush and Seba in place of you.

Verse ConceptsEthiopiaAfricaExchange Of NationsI Will Be Their Godliberation

Surely you [are] a God who keeps yourself hidden, God of Israel, [the] savior.

Verse ConceptsGod, Revelation OfChrist, Names ForGod Hidinghiding

Declare and present [your case], also let them consult together! Who {made this known} from {former times}, declared it from {of old}? [Was it] not I, Yahweh? And there is no [other] god besides [me], a righteous God besides me, and no savior besides me.

Verse ConceptsGod, Righteousness OfGod Speaking Of OldNo Other Is God

You struggle with your many consultations; let them stand, now, and save you-- those who see the stars, divide [the] {celestial sphere}, who inform by new moons-- from [those things] that are coming upon you.

Verse ConceptsBabylonAstrologyDivination, Practiced ByStarsOccultismfate

And I will feed your oppressors their [own] flesh, and they shall be drunk [with] their blood as [with] wine. Then all flesh shall know that I [am] Yahweh, your savior and redeemer, the strong [one] of Jacob."

Verse ConceptsGod, As RedeemerAlcoholDrunkenness, Figurative OfKnowledge, Of GodMission, Of IsraelOppression, God's Attitude ToPeople Consuming BloodThose OppressedGod Making DrunkMighty OneKnowing About God's Kingdomoppression

And you shall suck [the] milk of nations, and suck [the] breast of kings, and you shall know that I [am] Yahweh your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Strong One of Jacob.

Verse ConceptsGod, As RedeemerAssurance, basis ofGod, Power OfKnowing God, Nature OfMilkNames And Titles For ChristMighty Onebreastsroyalty

And he said, "Surely my people [are] children; they will not break faith." And he became a Savior to them.

Verse ConceptsSaints Response To LyingSpiritual Adoption