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The vision of Isaiah the son of Amos, which he saw upon Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Why offer ye so many sacrifices unto me, sayeth the LORD? I am full of the burnt offerings of weathers, and with the fatness of fed beasts. I have no pleasure in the blood of bullocks, lambs, and goats.

And as for the glory of your graven images, it shall be turned to dry straw, and he that made them to a spark. And they shall both burn together, so that no man shall be able to quench them.

The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw in a vision, concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

And much people shall go and say: come, and let us go up to the hill of the LORD and unto the house of the God of Jacob: that he may teach us his ways, and that we may walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall come the law, and the word of God out of Jerusalem.

But thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they go far beyond the east countries in Sorcerers - who they have as the Philistines had - and in calkers of men's births, whereof they have too many.

As soon as your land was full of silver and gold, and no end of your treasure; so soon as your land was full of strong horses and no end of your chariots:

And it shall bring down the pride of man, and lay man's presumptuousness full low, and the LORD shall only have the victory in that day.

Yea, one shall take a friend of his own kindred by the bosom, and say, "Thou hast clothing, thou shalt be our head, for thou mayest keep us from this fall and peril."

Then shall he swear and say, "I cannot help you. Moreover, there is neither meat nor clothing in my house, make me no ruler of the people."

The LORD shall come forth to reason with the senators and princes of his people, and shall say thus unto them, "It is ye that have burnt up my vineyard; the robbery of the poor is in your house.

Moreover, thus sayeth the LORD, "Seeing the daughters of Zion are become so proud, and come in with stretched out necks, and with vain wanton eyes; seeing they come in tripping so nicely with their feet:

Then shall seven wives take hold of one man, and say, "We will lay all our meat and clothing together in common, only that we may be called thy wives, and that this shameful reproof may be taken from us."

As for the vineyard of the LORD of Hosts, it is the house of Israel, and whole Judah his fair planting. Of these he looked for equity, but see there is wrong; for righteousness, lo, it is but misery.

The LORD of Hosts roundeth me thus in mine ear: Shall not many greater and more gorgeous houses be so waste, that no man shall dwell in them?

Which used to speak on this manner: "Let him make haste now, and go forth with his work, that we may see it! Let that counsel of the holy one of Israel come, and draw nigh, that we may know it!"

Therefore like as fire licketh up the straw, and as the flame consumeth the stubble: Even so - when their root is full - their blossom shall vanish away like dust or smoke. For they have cast away the law of the LORD of Hosts, and blaspheme the word of the holy maker of Israel.

Therefore is the wrath of the LORD kindled also against his people, and he shaketh his hand at them: yea he shall smite so, that the hills shall tremble. And their carcasses shall lie in the open streets, like mire. And in all this, the wrath of God shall not cease, but he shall stretch his hand wider.

Their cry is as it were of a lion, and the roaring of them like lion's whelps. They shall roar, and haunch up the prey, and no man shall recover it or get it from them.

In that day they shall be so fierce upon them, as the sea. And if we look unto the land, behold, it shall be all darkness and sorrow. If we look to heaven: behold, it shall be dark with careful desperation.

And so he said, "Go, and tell this people: 'Ye shall hear indeed, but ye shall not understand; ye shall plainly see, and not perceive.

Harden the heart of this people, stop their ears, and shut their eyes, that they see not with their eyes, hear not with their ears, and understand not with their heart, and convert and be healed."

For the LORD shall take the men far away, so that the land shall lie waste.

Nevertheless, the tenth part shall remain therein, for it shall convert and be fruitful. And likewise as the Terebinths and Oak trees in winter cast their leaves and yet have their sap in them, so shall the holy seed continue in their substance."

Then said God unto Isaiah, "Go meet Ahaz, thou and thy son Shearjashub, at the head of the over pole, in the foot path by the fuller's ground,

and say unto him, 'Take heed to thyself and be still, but fear not, neither be fainthearted for these two tails: that is, for these two smoking firebrands, the wrath and furiousness of Rezin the Syrian and Remaliah's son.

Because that the king of Syria, Ephraim, and Remaliah's son have wickedly conspired against thee,

For thus sayeth the LORD God thereto: It shall not so go forth, neither come so to pass:

And the chief city of Ephraim is Samaria, but the head of Samaria is Remaliah's son. And if ye believe not, there shall no promise be kept with you.'"

Wherefore the LORD said, "Hearken, ye of the house of David: Is it so small a thing for you, to be grievous to men, but that ye should also be painful unto God?

For before the child come to knowledge, to eschew the evil and chose the good, the land that thou so abhorest shall be desolate of both her kings.

"The LORD also shall send a time upon thee, upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, such as never came since the time that Ephraim departed from Judah, through the king of the Assyrians.

Then because of the abundance of milk, he shall make butter and eat it. So that every one which remaineth in the land, shall eat butter and honey.

Like as they shall come into the land with arrows and bows, so shall all the land become briers and thorns.

For why? Before the child shall have knowledge to say 'Abi' and 'Im'," - that is, father, and mother - "the riches of Damascus and the substance of Samaria shall be taken away, through the king of the Assyrians."

"Forasmuch as the people refuseth the still-running water of Siloam, and put their delight in Rezin and Remaliah's son:

"Round with none of them, whosoever say, 'Yonder people are bound together.' Nevertheless fear them not, neither be afraid of them,

And therefore if they say unto you, "Ask counsel at the soothsayers, witches, charmers and conjurers," then make them this answer: "Is there a people anywhere, that asketh not counsel at his God? Should they run unto the dead for the living?"

Even like as in time past it hath been well seen, that the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, wherethrough the sea way goeth over Jordan in to the land of Galilee, was at the first in little trouble, but afterward sore vexed.

For thou shalt break the yoke of the people's burden: the staff of his shoulder and the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.

And the people also of Ephraim, and they that dwell in Samaria, can say with pride and high stomachs, on this manner:

Nevertheless, the LORD shall prepare Rezin the enemy against them, and so order their adversaries,

that the Syrians shall lay hold upon them before, and the Philistines behind, and so devour Israel with open mouth. After all this, the wrath of the Lord shall not cease, but yet his hand shall be stretched out still.

Therefore shall the LORD have no pleasure in their young men, neither favour their fatherless and widows. For they are all together hypocrites and wicked, and all their mouths speak folly. After all this shall not the LORD's wrath cease, but yet his hand shall be stretched out still.

For the ungodly burn, as a fire in the briers and thorns: And as it were out of a fire in a wood or a red bush, so ascendeth the smoke of their pride.

Manasseh shall eat Ephraim and Ephraim Manasseh, and they both shall eat Judah. After all this shall not the LORD's wrath cease, but yet shall his hand be stretched out still.

Howbeit, his meaning is not so, neither thinketh his heart of this fashion. But he imagineth only, how he may overthrow and destroy much people,

As who say, "I were able to win the kingdom of the Idolaters and their gods, but not Jerusalem and Samaria.

My hand hath found out the Hosts of the people, as it were a nest. And like as eggs, that were laid here and there, are gathered together: So do I gather all countries. And there is no man, that dare be so bold as to touch a feather, that dare open his mouth, or once whisper."

But doth the axe boost itself, against him that heweth therewith? Or doth the saw make any bragging, against him that ruleth it? That were even like as if the rod did exalt itself against him that beareth it: or as though the staff should magnify itself, as who say it were not wood.

For though thy people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea, yet shall but the remnant of them only convert unto him. Perfect is the judgment of him that floweth in righteousness,

Moreover, the LORD of Hosts shall prepare a scourge for him, like as was the punishment of Midian upon the mount of Oreb. And he shall lift up his rod over the sea, as he did sometimes over the Egyptians.

But see, the Lord God of Hosts shall take away the proud from thence, with fear. He shall hew down the proud, and fell the high minded.

Then shall the wolf dwell with the lamb, and the Leopard shall lie down by the goat. Bullocks, Lions and cattle shall keep company together, so that a little child shall rule them.

No man shall do evil to another, no man shall destroy another, in all the hill of my Sanctuary. For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, even as though the water of the sea flowed over the earth.

At the same time shall the LORD take in hand again, to conquer the remnant of his people which are left alive: From the Assyrians, Egyptians, Arabians, Ethiopians, Elamites, Chaldeans, Antiochians and Islands of the sea.

The LORD also shall cleave the tongues of the Egyptian's sea, and with a mighty wind shall he lift up his hand over the Nile, and shall smite his seven streams and make men go over dry shod.

So that then thou shalt say, "I will praise thee O LORD, that though thou were angry with me, yet thine anger is turned, and thou hast comforted me.

And ye shall say in that day, 'Give thanks unto the LORD: call on his name: make his deeds known among the heathen: remember that his name is high.'

Then shall all hands be letten down, and all men's hearts shall melt away;

Moreover, I will so shake the heaven, that the earth shall remove out of her place. Thus shall it go with Babylon in the wrath of the LORD of Hosts in the day of his fearful indignation.

Then shall young men's bows be knapped asunder. The Medes shall have no pity upon women with child, and their faces shall not spare the children.

the little owls shall cry in the palaces, one after another, and Dragons shall be in their pleasant parlors. And as for Babylon's time, it is at hand, and her days shall not be prolonged.

Then shalt thou use this mockage upon the king of Babylon, and say: How happeneth that the oppressor leaveth off? Is the gold tribute come to an end?

and thou art cast out of thy grave like a wild branch - like as dead men's raiment that are shot through with the sword, as they that go down to the stones of the deep, as a dead corpse that is trodden under feet -

Rejoice not, thou whole Philistia, as though the rod of him that beateth thee were broken: For out of the serpent's root, there shall come an adder, and the fruit shall be a fiery worm.

Woe is my heart for Moab's sake. They fled unto the city of Zoar, which is like a fair young bullock of three years old; they went up to Luhith, weeping. The way toward Horonaim was full of lamentation for the hurt.

The suburbs also of Heshbon were made waste, and the princes of the Gentiles hewed down the vineyards of Sibmah, which were planted with noble grapes, and spread unto Jazer, and went unto the end of the desert; whose branches stretched their fellows forth beyond the sea.

Wherefore my belly rumbled as it had been a lute for Moab's sake, and mine inward members for the brick wall's sake.

So then, this is the saying that the LORD hath spoken concerning Moab since that time.

So shalt thou, O Damascus, be desolate: because thou hast forgotten God thy Saviour, and hast not called to remembrance the rock of thy strength. Wherefore thou hast also set a fair plant, and grafted a strange branch.

Woe be to the multitude of much people, which shall make a sound like the noise of the sea; and the violence of the nations which shall rage like the rushing in of many waters.

which sendeth her message over the sea in ships of reeds upon the water. Get ye hence, ye speedy messengers, to a nation that is scattered abroad and robbed of that they had: a fearful nation from their beginning hitherto; a nation trodden down by little and little, whose land the floods have spoiled.

And I will stir up the Egyptians one against another among themselves, so that one shall be ever against his brother and neighbour, yea one city against another, and one kingdom against another.

The water of the sea shall be drawn out, the Nile shall sink away, and be drunk up.

But ye foolish princes of Zoan, ye wise counselors of Pharaoh, whose wit is turned to foolishness: How say ye unto Pharaoh, "I am come of wise people;

Thus the LORD shall smite Egypt, and heal it again: and so shall they turn to the LORD, and he also shall have mercy upon them, and save them.

Then shall there be a common way out of Egypt into Assyria. The Assyrians shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptians into Assyria. The Egyptians also and the Assyrians shall both have one God's service.

Then spake the LORD unto Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, "Go, and loose off that sackcloth from thy loins, and put off thy shoes from thy feet." And so he did, going naked and barefoot.

Moreover, they that dwell in the Isles shall say even the same day, 'Behold, thus are we regarded! Whither shall we fly for help, that we might be delivered from the king of the Assyrians? How will we escape?'"

This is the heavy burden of the waste sea: A grievous vision was showed unto me, even as the stormy weather that passeth through at the noonday, to come from the wilderness, from that horrible land.

Whoso may deceive, said the voice, let him deceive: Who so may destroy, let him destroy. Up Elam, besiege it O Media, for I will still all their groanings.

With this, the reins of my back were full of pain: Pangs came upon me, as upon a woman in her travail. It made me stoop when I heard it, and it vexed me when I saw it.

And when he had waited diligently, he saw two horsemen: the one riding upon an Ass, the other upon a camel.

The watchman answered, "The morning cometh, and so doth the night. If ye will ask any question, then ask it, return and come again."

There shall ye see the rifts in the walls of the city of David, whereof there shall be many. Ye shall gather together the waters of the lower pool,

Thus sayeth the LORD God of Hosts, "Go in to the treasury unto Shebna the governor, and say to him,

I will also lay the key of David's house upon his shoulders, and if he open, no man shall shut: and if he do shut, no man shall open.

I will fasten him to a nail in the place of the most high faithfulness, and he shall be upon the glorious throne of his father's house.

They shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house, of the children and children's children, all apparel small and great, all instruments of measure and music.

Be still ye that dwell in the Isle; the merchants of Sidon and such as pass over the sea have made thee plenteous.

For by sea were there fruits brought unto thee, and all manner of corn by water. Thou wast the common market of all people.

Be ashamed, thou Sidon, for the sea - even the strength of the sea - hath spoken, saying: "I have not traveled, nor brought forth children, nor nourished up young men, or brought up virgins."