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Moreover the LORD said unto me, "Take thee a great leaf, and write in it, as men do with a pen, 'Make hasty speed to rob, and haste to the spoil.'"
Shalt thou multiply the people, and not increase the joy also? They shall rejoice before thee even as men make merry in harvest, and as men that have gotten the victory, when they deal the spoil.
For I shall send him among those hypocritical people, among the people that have deserved my disfavour shall I send him: that he may utterly rob them, spoil them, and tread them down like the mire in the street.
but they both together shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the West: and spoil them together that dwell toward the East. The Edomites and the Moabites shall let their hands fall, and the Ammonites shall be obedient unto them.
and that their spoil may be gathered, as the grasshoppers are commonly gathered together into the pit.
There are the cords so laid abroad, that they cannot be better; The mast set up of such a fashion, that no banner nor sail hangeth thereon; but there is dealt great spoil: yea, lame men run after the prey;
And therefore thus sayeth the LORD: The prisoners shall be taken from the giant, and the spoil delivered from the violent; for I will maintain thy cause against thine adversaries, and save thy sons.
Therefore I will give him his part in many, and the spoil of the rich he shall divide: because he gave his soul to death, and was numbered with the trespassers, and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for transgressors.
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