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Alas for this sinful nation, which are expert in blasphemies; a seed of ungracious people, corrupt in their ways. They have forsaken the LORD; they have provoked the holy one of Israel unto anger, and are gone backward.

From the sole of the foot unto the head, there is no whole part in all your body: but all are wounds, botches, sores and stripes, which can neither be helped, bound up, mollified, nor eased with any ointment.

And he shall be judge among the heathen and tell many nations their faults. And they shall turn their swords into mattocks and their spears into scythes. One nation shall not lift up a sword against another, neither shall they teach to war any more.

There kneeleth the man, there falleth the man down before them; but thou, O LORD, wilt not leave them unpunished.

Then shall he swear and say, "I cannot help you. Moreover, there is neither meat nor clothing in my house, make me no ruler of the people."

For Jerusalem is overthrown, and Judah must fall to the ground, because that both their words and counsels are against the LORD, they provoke the presence of his Majesty unto anger.

The changing of their countenance betrayeth them; yea, they declare their own sins themselves, as Sodom, and hide them not. Woe be unto their souls, for they shall be heavily rewarded.

Moreover, thus sayeth the LORD, "Seeing the daughters of Zion are become so proud, and come in with stretched out necks, and with vain wanton eyes; seeing they come in tripping so nicely with their feet:

In that day shall the Lord take away the gorgeousness of their apparel, and spangles, chains, partlets,

And instead of good smell there shall be stink among them. And for their girdles there shall be loose bands. And for well set hair there shall be baldness. Instead of a stomacher, a sackcloth; and for their beauty, witheredness and sunburning.

Their husbands and their mighty men shall perish with the sword in battle.

At that time shall their gates mourn and complain, and they shall sit as desolate folk upon the earth.

Moreover upon all the dwellings of the hill of Zion and upon their whole congregation, shall the LORD provide a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for all their glory shall be preserved.

As for the vineyard of the LORD of Hosts, it is the house of Israel, and whole Judah his fair planting. Of these he looked for equity, but see there is wrong; for righteousness, lo, it is but misery.

Therefore cometh my folk also in captivity, because they have no understanding. Their glory is famished with hunger, and their pride is marred for thirst.

Therefore gapeth hell, and openeth her mouth marvelous wide: that their pride, boasting, and wealth, with such as rejoice therein, may descend into it.

Then shall the sheep eat their appointed fodder; and the rich mens' lands, that were laid waste, shall strangers devour.

Therefore like as fire licketh up the straw, and as the flame consumeth the stubble: Even so - when their root is full - their blossom shall vanish away like dust or smoke. For they have cast away the law of the LORD of Hosts, and blaspheme the word of the holy maker of Israel.

Therefore is the wrath of the LORD kindled also against his people, and he shaketh his hand at them: yea he shall smite so, that the hills shall tremble. And their carcasses shall lie in the open streets, like mire. And in all this, the wrath of God shall not cease, but he shall stretch his hand wider.

There is not one faint or feeble among them, no not a sluggish nor slippery person. There shall not one of them put off the girdle from his loins, nor loose the latchet of his shoe.

Their arrows are sharp, and their bows bent. Their horses' hoofs are like flint, and their cart wheels like a stormy wind.

Their cry is as it were of a lion, and the roaring of them like lion's whelps. They shall roar, and haunch up the prey, and no man shall recover it or get it from them.

Yea, the joists and doorchecks moved at their crying, and the house was full of smoke.

Harden the heart of this people, stop their ears, and shut their eyes, that they see not with their eyes, hear not with their ears, and understand not with their heart, and convert and be healed."

Nevertheless, the tenth part shall remain therein, for it shall convert and be fruitful. And likewise as the Terebinths and Oak trees in winter cast their leaves and yet have their sap in them, so shall the holy seed continue in their substance."

saying, 'We will go down into Judah, vex them, and bring them under us, and set a king there, even the son of Tabeel.'

And the chief city of Ephraim is Samaria, but the head of Samaria is Remaliah's son. And if ye believe not, there shall no promise be kept with you.'"

"The LORD also shall send a time upon thee, upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, such as never came since the time that Ephraim departed from Judah, through the king of the Assyrians.

At the same time all vineyards - though there be a thousand vines in one, and were sold for a thousand silverlings - shall be turned to briers and thorns.

And as for all hills that now are hewn down, thou shalt not come upon them, for fear of briers and thorns. But the cattle shall be driven thither, and the sheep shall feed there."

For why? Before the child shall have knowledge to say 'Abi' and 'Im'," - that is, father, and mother - "the riches of Damascus and the substance of Samaria shall be taken away, through the king of the Assyrians."

"Forasmuch as the people refuseth the still-running water of Siloam, and put their delight in Rezin and Remaliah's son:

Behold, the Lord shall bring mighty and great floods of water upon them: namely, the king of the Assyrians with all his power. Which shall pour out his furiousness upon every man, and run over all their banks.

And therefore if they say unto you, "Ask counsel at the soothsayers, witches, charmers and conjurers," then make them this answer: "Is there a people anywhere, that asketh not counsel at his God? Should they run unto the dead for the living?"

and behold, there is trouble and darkness; vexation is round about him, and the cloud of error. And out of such adversity, shall he not escape.

Moreover all temerarious and seditious power, yea, where there is but a coat filled with blood, shall be burnt, and feed the fire.

Nevertheless, the LORD shall prepare Rezin the enemy against them, and so order their adversaries,

Therefore shall the LORD have no pleasure in their young men, neither favour their fatherless and widows. For they are all together hypocrites and wicked, and all their mouths speak folly. After all this shall not the LORD's wrath cease, but yet his hand shall be stretched out still.

For the ungodly burn, as a fire in the briers and thorns: And as it were out of a fire in a wood or a red bush, so ascendeth the smoke of their pride.

As who say, "I were able to win the kingdom of the Idolaters and their gods, but not Jerusalem and Samaria.

Shall I not do unto Jerusalem and their Images, as I did unto Samaria and their Images?"

For he standeth thus in his own conceit: "This do I, through the power of my own hand, and through my wisdom: For I am wise, I am he that removes the lands of the people, I rob their princes: and like one of the worthies I drive them from their high seats.

My hand hath found out the Hosts of the people, as it were a nest. And like as eggs, that were laid here and there, are gathered together: So do I gather all countries. And there is no man, that dare be so bold as to touch a feather, that dare open his mouth, or once whisper."

But soon after shall my wrath and mine indignation be fulfilled against their blasphemies.

He shall come to Aiath, and go through toward Migron. But at Michmash shall he muster his Host,

and go over the fiord. Geba shall be their resting place; Ramah shall be afraid; Gibeah of Saul shall flee away.

There shall come a rod out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall spring out of his root.

The cow and the Bear shall feed together, and their young ones shall lie together. The Lion shall eat straw like the ox, or the cow.

but they both together shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the West: and spoil them together that dwell toward the East. The Edomites and the Moabites shall let their hands fall, and the Ammonites shall be obedient unto them.

There is a noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people, a rushing as though the kingdoms of all nations had come together. And the LORD of Hosts mustereth his army to battle.

they shall stand in fear, carefulness and sorrow shall come upon them, and they shall have pain, as a woman that travaileth with child. One shall ever be abashed of another, and their faces shall burn like the flame.

For the stars and planets of heaven shall not give their light; the sun shall be quenched in the rising, and the moon will not shine with his light.

Whoso is found alone, shall be shot through: And whoso gather together, shall be destroyed with the sword.

Their children shall be slain before their eyes, their houses spoiled, and their wives ravished.

Then shall young men's bows be knapped asunder. The Medes shall have no pity upon women with child, and their faces shall not spare the children.

It shall never be more inhabited; neither shall there be any more dwelling there, from generation to generation. The Arabians shall make no more tents there; neither shall the shepherds make their folds there any more;

but wild beasts shall lie there, and the houses shall be full of great owls. Ostriches shall dwell there, and apes shall dance there:

the little owls shall cry in the palaces, one after another, and Dragons shall be in their pleasant parlors. And as for Babylon's time, it is at hand, and her days shall not be prolonged.

The people shall take them, and carry them home to their own land. And the house of Israel shall have them in possession for servants and maidens in the land of the LORD. They shall take those prisoners, whose captives they had been afore: and rule those that had oppressed them.

Yea even the fir trees and Cedars of Lebanon rejoice at thy fall, saying, 'Now that thou art laid down, there come no more up to destroy us.'

Hell also trembleth at thy coming; all mighty men and princes of the earth step forth before thee. All kings of the earth stand up from their seats,

and thou art cast out of thy grave like a wild branch - like as dead men's raiment that are shot through with the sword, as they that go down to the stones of the deep, as a dead corpse that is trodden under feet -

There shall a way be sought to destroy their children, for their fathers' wickedness: They shall not rise up again to possess the land, and fill the world full of castles and towns.

This device hath God taken through the whole world, and thus is his hand stretched out over all people.

Rejoice not, thou whole Philistia, as though the rod of him that beateth thee were broken: For out of the serpent's root, there shall come an adder, and the fruit shall be a fiery worm.

Mourn, ye ports; weep, ye cities; and fear thou, O whole Philistia, for there shall come from the North a smoke, whose power no man may abide.

Who shall then maintain the messages of the Gentiles? But the LORD establisheth Zion, and the poor of my people shall put their trust in him.

They went up to the idols' house, even to Dibon to the high places, to weep for Nebo; and Moab did mourn for Medeba. All their heads were bald, and all their beards shaven.

In their streets were they girded about with sackcloth. In all the tops of their houses and streets was there nothing, but mourning and weeping.

Heshbon and Elealeh cried, that their voice was heard unto Jahaz. The worthies also of Moab bleared and cried for very sorrow of their minds.

Woe is my heart for Moab's sake. They fled unto the city of Zoar, which is like a fair young bullock of three years old; they went up to Luhith, weeping. The way toward Horonaim was full of lamentation for the hurt.

As for their substance, the enemies have carried them to the brook of willows.

For the cry went over the whole land of Moab: from Eglaim unto Beerelim, was there nothing but mourning.

Let my persecuted people dwell among you; Moab; be thou their refuge against the destroyer: for the adversary is brought to naught, the robber is undone, the tyrant is wasted in the land.

The suburbs also of Heshbon were made waste, and the princes of the Gentiles hewed down the vineyards of Sibmah, which were planted with noble grapes, and spread unto Jazer, and went unto the end of the desert; whose branches stretched their fellows forth beyond the sea.

Therefore I mourned for Jazer, and for the vineyards of Sibmah with great sorrow. I poured my tears upon Heshbon and Elealeh, for all their songs were laid down, in their harvest and gathering of their grapes.

Mirth and cheer was gone out of the field and vineyards, insomuch that no man was glad nor sung. There went no treader into the winepress, their merry cheer was laid down.

But now the LORD sayeth thus: In three years, which shall be as the years of a hired servant, shall the glory of Moab be turned into confusion throughout all his multitude, which is very great. And as for the remnant of them, they shall be small and feeble.

The cities of Aroer shall be waste: the cattle shall lie there, and no man shall fraye them away.

Some gathering indeed shall there be left in it, even as in the shaking of an olive tree, there remain two of three berries in the upper bough, and four or five in the branches. Thus the LORD God of Israel hath spoken.

At the same time shall their strong cities be desolate, like as were once the forsaken plows and corn, which they forsook, for fear of the children of Israel.

Even like many waters shall the people rage: God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and vanish away like the dust with the wind upon a hill, and as the whirlwind through a storm.

At even, behold, there is trouble: yet in the morning it is gone with them. This is the portion of them that oppress us, and the heritage of them that rob us.

which sendeth her message over the sea in ships of reeds upon the water. Get ye hence, ye speedy messengers, to a nation that is scattered abroad and robbed of that they had: a fearful nation from their beginning hitherto; a nation trodden down by little and little, whose land the floods have spoiled.

For before the harvest, when the branch is grown, there shall come ripe fruit out of the flower: and he shall cut down the increase with the scythes, and the branches shall he take away with hooks.

Thus shall they be left together unto the fowls of the mountains, and to the beasts of the earth: for in summer the birds shall remain upon it, and every beast of the land shall winter there.

In that time shall there be a present brought to the LORD of Hosts: even a people that is scattered abroad, and robbed of that they had - that same people which hat been fearful from their beginning hitherto; a nation trodden down by little and little, whose land the floods have spoiled. To the place of the name of the LORD of Hosts: even to the mount Zion.

And Egypt shall be choked in herself. When they ask counsel at their idols, at their sorcerors, at their soothsayers and witches: then will I bring their counsel to naught.

The fishers shall mourn, all such as cast angles in the water shall complain, and they that spread their nets in the water shall be faint hearted.

For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.

The princes of Zoan are become fools, and the princes of Noph are deceived: yea, they deceive Egypt with their nobility of their stock.

Then shall there be a common way out of Egypt into Assyria. The Assyrians shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptians into Assyria. The Egyptians also and the Assyrians shall both have one God's service.

Then said the LORD, "Whereas my servant Isaiah goeth naked and barefoot, it is a token and signifying of the thing that after three years shall come upon Egypt and Ethiopia.

They shall be also at their wits end, and ashamed one of another: the Egyptians of the Ethiopians, and the Ethiopians of the Egyptians, considering what glory they were in afore.

This is the heavy burden of the waste sea: A grievous vision was showed unto me, even as the stormy weather that passeth through at the noonday, to come from the wilderness, from that horrible land.