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In that day they shall be so fierce upon them, as the sea. And if we look unto the land, behold, it shall be all darkness and sorrow. If we look to heaven: behold, it shall be dark with careful desperation.

For there came a rumor, that Tirhakah king of Ethiopia was come forth to war against him. And when the king of Assyria heard that, he sent other messengers to king Hezekiah with this commandment:

I have not spoken secretly, neither in dark places of the earth. It is not for naught, that I said unto the seed of Jacob, "Seek me." I am the LORD which, when I speak, declareth the thing that is righteous and true.

Sit still, hold thy tongue, and get thee into some dark corner, O daughter Chaldea, for thou shalt no more be called lady of kingdoms.

And this is the cause that equity is so far from us, and that righteousness cometh not nigh us. We look for light, lo, it is darkness; for the morning shine, see, we walk in the dark.