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For the head of Aram [is] Damascus, and the head of Damascus [is] Rezin, and in sixty-five years from now Ephraim will be too shattered to be a people.

And gleanings will be left over in it, as {when an olive tree is beaten}, two [or] three ripe olive berries in [the] top of a branch, four [or] five on its fruitful branches," {declares} Yahweh, the God of Israel.

On that day, there will be five cities in the land of Egypt that speak the {language} of Canaan and swear an oath to Yahweh of hosts. One will be called "City of the Sun."

One thousand {because of} a threat of one, {because} of a threat of five you shall flee, until you are left like flagstaff on {top} of mountain, and like signal on hill.

And the angel of Yahweh set out and struck one hundred and eighty-five thousand in the camp of the Assyrians. When they rose in the morning, look! All of them [were] dead corpses.