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And he brought me to the north door, and measured it, which also had the foresaid measure.

His chambers, pillars, and porches had windows round about: whose height was fifty cubits, and the breadth twenty five.

So he measured the fore court, which had in length a hundred cubits, and as much in breadth by the four corners. Now the altar stood before the house:

The side chambers were the higher the wider, and had steps through them round about the house. Thus was it wider above, that from the lowest men might go to the highest and mid chambers.

The innermore temple, the porch of the fore court, the side posts, these three had side windows, and pillars round about over against the posts, from the ground up to the windows. The windows themselves were sealed over with boards:

There were Cherubims and date trees made also, so that one date tree stood ever betwixt two Cherubims. One Cherub had two faces,

The temple and the holiest of all had either of them two doors

and every door had two little wickets which were folden in one upon another, on every side two.

Upon both the sides of the walls of the porch there were made deep windows and date trees, having beams and balks, like as the house had.

Then carried he me out into the fore court toward the north, and brought me into the chamber that stood over against the back building northward, which had the length of a hundred cubits whose door turned toward the north.

These chambers had under them an entrance of the east side, where by a man might go into them out of the fore court,

Before the same building upon this side there were chambers also which had a way unto them, like as the chambers on the north side of the same length and wideness. Their entrance, fashion and doors were all of the same manner.

Now when he had measured all the innermore house, he brought me forth through the east port, and measured the same round about.

This is the measure of the altar, after the true cubit which is a span longer than another cubit: his bottom in the midst was a cubit long and wide, and the ledge that went round about it, was a span broad. This is the height of the altar:

The covering of the altar was fourteen cubits long and broad upon the four corners, and the ledge that went round about, had half a cubit: and the bottom thereof round about one cubit: his steps stood toward the East.

So the LORD spake unto me, "O thou son of man, fasten this to thine heart, behold, and take diligent heed to all that I will say unto thee, concerning all the ordinances of the LORD and all his laws: ponder well with thine heart the coming in of the house and the going forth of the Sanctuary:

They shall marry no widow, neither one that is put from her husband: but a maiden of the seed of the house of Israel, or a widow that hath had a priest before.

They shall come at no dead person, to defile themselves; except it be father or mother, son or daughter, brother or sister that hath had yet no husband: in such they may be defiled.

Now when the man that had the measuring rod in his hand went unto the east door, he measured a thousand cubits, and then he brought me through the water, even to the ankles: