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and say, 'Thus sayeth the LORD God: There came a great Eagle with great wings; yea, with mighty long wings, full of feathers of divers colours; upon the mount of Lebanon, and took a branch from a Cedar tree,

He took also a branch of the land, and planted it in a fruitful ground, he brought it unto great waters, and set it as a willow tree thereby.

"'Thus sayeth the LORD God: I will also take a branch from a high Cedar tree, and will set it, and take the uppermost twig, that yet is but tender, and plant it upon a high hill:

Namely, upon the high hill of Zion will I plant it: that it may bring forth twigs, and give fruit, and be a great Cedar tree: so that all manner of fowls may bide in it, and make their nests under the shadow of his branches.

And all the trees of the field shall know, that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, and set the low tree up: that I have dried up the green tree, and made the dry tree to flourish: Even I the LORD that spake it, have also brought it to pass.'"

Behold, Assyria was like a Cedar tree upon the mount of Lebanon, with fair branches: so thick, that he gave shadows, and shot out very high. His top reached into the clouds.

no Cedar tree might hide him. In the pleasant garden of God, there was no fir tree like his branches, the plain trees were not like the boughs of him. All the trees in the garden of God might not be compared unto him in his beauty:

so that from henceforth, no tree in the water shall attain to his highness, nor reach his top unto the clouds, neither shall any tree of the water stand so high, as he hath done. For unto death shall they all be delivered under the earth, and go down to the grave, like other men.

There were Cherubims and date trees made also, so that one date tree stood ever betwixt two Cherubims. One Cherub had two faces,

the face of a man looking aside toward the date tree, and a lion's face on the other side. Thus was it made round about in all the house;

for they bare chamber upon chamber, and stood tree together one upon another not having pillars like the fore court: therefore were they smaller than those beneath and in the midst, to reckon from the ground upward.