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Behold, it is cast into the fire to be burnt; the fire consumeth both the ends of it, the midst is burnt to ashes. Is it mete then for any work? No.

Seeing then, that it was mete for no work, being whole: much less may there anything be made of it, when the fire hath consumed and burnt it.

And therefore thus sayeth the LORD God: Like as I cast the vine into the fire for to be burnt, as other trees of the wood: Even so will I do with them that dwell in Jerusalem,

that thou slayest my children, and givest them over to be burnt unto them?

she was rooted out in displeasure, and cast down to the ground. The East wind dried up her fruit; her strong stalks were broken off, withered, and burnt in the fire.

And there is a fire gone out of her stalks, which hath burnt up her branches and her fruit: so that she hath no more strong stalks, to be staves for officers. This is a piteous and miserable thing."

and say to the wood toward the south, 'Hear the word of the LORD, thus sayeth the LORD God: Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, that shall consume thee green trees with the dry. No man shall be able to quench his flame, but all that looketh from the south to the north shall be burnt therein.

immediately, as soon as she saw them, she burnt in love upon them, and sent messengers for them into the land of the Chaldeans.

She burnt in lust upon them, whose flesh was like the flesh of Asses, and their seed like the seed of horses.

I will put my jealousy upon thee, so that they shall deal cruelly with thee. They shall cut off thy nose and thine ears, and the remnant shall fall through the sword. They shall carry away thy sons and daughters, and the residue shall be burnt in the fire.

But it will not go off, there is so much of it: the rustiness must be burnt out.

There stood a chamber also, whose entrance was at the door pillars, and there the burnt offerings were washed.

In the door porch, there stood on either side two tables for the slaughtering; to slay the burnt offerings, sin offerings, and trespass offerings thereupon.

Four tables were of hewn stone for the burnt offerings, of a cubit and a half long and broad, and one cubit high: whereupon were laid the vessels and ornaments, which were used to the burnt and the slain offerings, when they were slaughtered.

And he said unto me, "Thou son of man, thus sayeth the LORD God: These are the ordinances and laws of the altar, in the day when it is made to offer burnt offerings, and to sprinkle blood there upon.

Offer them before the LORD, and let the priest cast salt thereupon, and give them so unto the LORD for a burnt offering.

When these days are expired, then upon the eighth day and so forth, the priests shall offer their burnt offerings and health offerings upon the altar, so will I be merciful unto you, sayeth the LORD God."

Should they be set and ordained to minister under the doors of the house of my Sanctuary? And to do service in the house: to slay burnt offerings and sacrifices for the people; to stand before them, and to serve them;

And one lamb from two hundred sheep out of the pasture of Israel, for a meat offering, burnt offering and health offering, to reconcile them, sayeth the LORD God.

Again, it shall be the prince's part to offer burnt offerings, meat offerings, and drink offerings unto the LORD, in the holy days, new Moons, Sabbaths, and in all the high feasts of the house of Israel. The sin offering, meat offering, burnt offering and health offering shall he give, to reconcile the house of Israel.

And in the feast of the seven days he shall offer every day a bullock and a ram, that are without blemish, for a burnt offering unto the LORD: and a he goat daily for a sin offering.

Upon the fifteenth day of the seventh month, he shall keep the seven days holy one after another, even as the other seven days: with the sin offering, burnt offering, meat offering, and with the oil."

Then shall the prince come under the door porch, and stand still without by the door check. So the priests shall offer up his burnt and health offerings. And he shall worship at the door post, and go his way forth again: but the door shall no more be shut till the evening.

This is now the burnt offering, that the prince shall bring unto the LORD upon the Sabbath: six lambs without blemish, and a ram without blemish,

Now when the prince bringeth a burnt offering or a health offering with a free will unto the LORD, the East door shall be opened unto him, that he may do with his burnt and health offerings, as he doth upon the Sabbath, and when he goeth forth, the door shall be shut after him again.

He shall daily bring unto the LORD a lamb of a year old without blemish for a burnt offering: this shall he do every morning.

And thus shall the lamb, the meat offering and oil be given every morning, for a daily burnt offering.