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Upon the right side of these four, their faces were like the face of a man, and the face of a Lion: But upon the left side, they had the face of an ox and the face of an eagle.

Verse ConceptsHeavenly FacesRight SidesEaglesCreatures Like LionsLike MenLeft Hand Side

And if they say, 'Wherefore mournest thou?' Then tell them, 'For the tidings that cometh, at the which all hearts shall melt, all hands shall be letten down, all stomachs shall faint, and all knees shall wax feeble.' Behold, it cometh, and shall be fulfilled, sayeth the LORD God.'"

Verse ConceptsBad NewsdiscouragementWeakness, PhysicalKneesThings Like WaterLike WaterLosing CourageNo Strength LeftWhy Do You Do This?