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And the similitude of the beasts and the fashion of them was as burning coals of fire and as fire brands, walking between the beasts. And the fire did shine, and out of the fire proceeded lightning.

Verse ConceptsAppearances of

and said unto me, "Thou son of man, thy belly shall eat, and thy bowels shall be filled with the book, that I give thee." Then did I eat the book and it was, in my mouth, sweeter than honey.

Verse ConceptsStomachsTasteSweetnessFilling PeopleBooks In Prophecy

"Now if a righteous man go from his righteousness, and do the thing that is evil: I will lay a stumbling block before him, and he shall die, because thou hast not given him warning - Yea, die shall he in his own sin, so that the virtue which he did before shall not be thought upon, but his blood will I require of thine hand.

Verse ConceptsApostates, PunishmentOffenceRighteous, TheStumblingAccountabilityResponsibility For Blood ShedWarning IndividualsGod HinderingIf You Turn From GodResponsible To WarnResponsibility

Then said I, "O LORD God: Behold, my soul was yet never stained, for from my youth up to this hour. I did never eat of a dead carcass, or that which was slain of wild beasts, neither came there ever any unclean flesh in my mouth."

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofMouthsYouthAnimals Torn To PiecesBeing Devoted From YouthDeath Of CreaturesCorpses Of AnimalsPeople Being UncleanForbidden Food

and will handle thee of such a fashion as I never did before, and as I never will do from that time forth, and that because of all thine abominations.

Verse ConceptsAbominations, Idolatry IsUnique Events

And the dead carcasses of the children of Israel will I cast before their images, your bones will I straw round about your altars and dwelling places.

Verse ConceptsBonesFate Of IdolatersIn Front

And so shall ye learn to know that I am the LORD, when your slain men lie among your gods, and about your altars; upon all high hills and tops of mountains; among all green trees; among all thick oaks; even in the places where they did sacrifice to all their idols.

Verse ConceptsKnowledge, Of GodShrinesOaksIdol WorshipFate Of IdolatersWorship At Trees

After this did the Cherubims lift up their wings, and the wheels went with them, and the glory of God was upon them.

Verse ConceptsWheelsAngel's WingsCherubim

Now as the Lord commanded me, so I did: the gear that I had made ready, brought I out by day. At even I brake down a hole through the wall with my hand: and when it was dark, I took the gear upon my shoulders and bare them out in their sight.

Verse ConceptsUsing The DayThe Act Of OpeningOpening WallsDarkness Of NightBaggageExile In ProspectSeeing SituationsCarrying Other Loads

Vain things they see, and tell lies to maintain their preachings withal. 'The LORD,' say they, 'hath spoken it' - when in very deed the LORD hath not sent them.

Verse ConceptsDeception Through False TeachersProphets Who Were Not SentMan's Words Fulfilled

They shall comfort you, when ye see their way and works: and ye shall know how that it is not without a cause, that I have done so against Jerusalem, as I did, sayeth the LORD God.

Verse ConceptsUseless LabourHuman Comfort

Seeing thou rememberest not the days of thy youth, but hast provoked me to wrath in all these things? Behold therefore, I will bring thine own ways upon thine head, sayeth the LORD God: howbeit, I never did unto thee, according to thy wickedness and all thy abominations.

Verse ConceptsLewdnessMarriage, Between God And His PeopleYouthful DevotionGod Will RequiteThey Committed Immorality

but were proud - And did abominable things before me, wherefore I took them away when I had seen it.

Verse ConceptsDriven Away By GodProud People

Therefore thou which didst condemn thy sister: bear thine own shame, for thine own offences that thou hast committed - more abominable than they did, which indeed are more righteous than thou art. Be thou, I say, ashamed; and bear thy shameful rebuke, seeing that thou has proven thy sisters in comparison of the righteous.

Verse ConceptsAppearancesPeople In RighteousnessShame Has ComeGod's People Sinning

Then did it grow, and was a great vine stock, but low by the ground: thus there came of it a vine, and it brought forth blossoms, and spread out branches.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingSprouting PlantsSmall ThingsSproutingThose Subjected To People

As for his father, because he oppressed and spoiled his brother, and did wickedly among his people: Lo, he is dead in his own sin.

Verse ConceptsOppressors

And yet the wicked, if he turn from all his sins which he did, and keep all mine ordinances, and do justly and righteously; he shall live and not die.

Verse ConceptsRenunciationSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfBlessings Of ObediencePunishment of the The Wicked

And so if a righteous turn from his righteousness and do wickedness, and shall do like unto all the abominations which a wicked doth, shall he live? No, none of those righteousness that he did shall be remembered. But in the wickedness which he wrought, and in the sin which he did, in them shall he die.

Verse ConceptsRighteous, TheSanctification, Means And ResultsDoing The Right Thing

If a righteous turn from his righteousness and do wickedly, and die therefore: in the wickedness which he did he shall die.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Punishment For

because he feared and turned from all his wickedness which he did, he shall live and not die, saith the Lord almighty.

Verse ConceptsTurning From EvilLife Through Repentance

He hath put his sword to the dighting, that good hold may be taken of it. This sword is sharpened and dight, that it may be given into the hand of the manslayer.'

Verse ConceptsSharpeningTouching To HarmSparkling

to make them abashed and faint at the hearts, and in all gates to make some of them fall. O how bright and sharp is it, how well dight and mete for the slaughter.

Verse ConceptsGatesStanding In The GatewaySparklingLosing CourageGod's Sword

So I spake unto the people betimes in the morning; and at even my wife died. Then upon the next morrow, I did as I was commanded.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions Of MinistersDeath Of Unnamed Individuals

Then will I cast thee down unto them, that descend into the pit, unto a people that hath been long dead, and set thee in a land that is beneath, like the old wilderness, with them which go down to their graves, so that no man shall dwell more in thee. And I will make thee to be no more in honor, in the land of the living.

Verse ConceptsPitsArchaeologyEmpty CitiesGoing Down To The PitAbasing PeoplePits As A Term For Graves

I scattered them also among the Heathen, so that they were strawed about in the lands. According to their ways and after their own inventions, so did I punish them.

Verse ConceptsMan's WaysGod Scattering IsraelRepaid For Deeds

They shall ordain men also to be dead buriers, ever going through the land, and appoint them certain places to bury those in which remain upon the field - that the land may be cleansed. From end to end shall they seek; and that seven months long.

Verse ConceptsFive Months And MoreSeeking For Concrete Thingsexploring

Now those that go through the land where they see a man's bone, they shall set up a token by it, till the dead buriers have buried it also, in the valley of the people of Gog.

Verse ConceptsBones

The chambers and the pillars within, round about unto the door, had side windows: So had the fore entries also, whose windows went round about within. And upon the pillars there stood date trees.

Verse ConceptsPalm TreesNarrownessPillars For Ezekiel's TempleWindows For The Temple

his windows and porches with his date trees, had even like measure as the door toward the east: there were seven steps to go up upon, and their porch before them.

Verse ConceptsSeven ThingsWindows For The TempleEast GatesStepsSame Sizes

with steps to go up upon: his porch stood before him, with his pillars and date trees on either side.

Verse ConceptsSeven ThingsPillars For Ezekiel's TempleSteps

and his porch reached unto the uttermost court: upon his pillars there were date trees, and eight steps to go up upon.

Verse ConceptsEight ThingsPillars For Ezekiel's TempleStepsPlans For A New Temple

His porches reached unto the uttermost court: his pillars also had date trees on either side, and eight steps to go up upon.

Verse ConceptsEight ThingsPillars For Ezekiel's TempleSteps

His pillars stood toward the uttermost court, and upon them both were date trees, and eight steps to go up upon.

Verse ConceptsEight ThingsPillars For Ezekiel's TempleSteps

The thickness of the side wall without, contained five cubits, and so did the outwall, of the chambers in the house.

Verse ConceptsDimensions Of Walls

There were Cherubims and date trees made also, so that one date tree stood ever betwixt two Cherubims. One Cherub had two faces,

Verse ConceptsPalm TreesHeavenly FacesTwo Of Body PartsCherubim Depicted

the face of a man looking aside toward the date tree, and a lion's face on the other side. Thus was it made round about in all the house;

Verse ConceptsCreatures Like LionsLike Men

Yea, the Cherubims and date trees were made from the ground up above the door, and so stood they also upon the wall of the temple.

Verse ConceptsCherubim Depicted

And upon the doors of the temple there were made Cherubims and date trees, like as upon the walls: and a great thick balk of wood was before on the outside of the porch.

Verse ConceptsCherubim Depicted

Upon both the sides of the walls of the porch there were made deep windows and date trees, having beams and balks, like as the house had.

Verse ConceptsWindows For The Temple

that said unto me, "O thou son of man, this room is my seat, and the place of my footsteps: whereas I will dwell among the children of Israel for evermore - so that the house of Israel shall no more defile my holy name, neither they, nor their kings, through their whoredom; through their high places; and through the dead bodies of their kings,

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfCarcass, Figurative UseHigh PlacesNames And Titles For The ChurchGod Living With UsProfaning God's NameSpiritual HarlotryCare Of FeetRules About Corpses

But now they shall put away their whoredom, and the dead bodies of their kings out of my sight, that I may dwell among them for evermore.

Verse ConceptsCarcass, Figurative UseEternally With GodGod Living With UsSpiritual HarlotryAttitudes Towards KingsCorpses Of Other People

They shall come at no dead person, to defile themselves; except it be father or mother, son or daughter, brother or sister that hath had yet no husband: in such they may be defiled.

Verse ConceptsBrothersdaughtersParentsPriests, Function In Ot TimesSinglenessSistersLove Between RelativesHonouring ParentsPollution ForbiddenRules About CorpsesUnmarriedRelationships With Boyfriend

But no dead carrion shall the priest eat, nor such as is devoured of wild beasts, fouls or cattle."

Verse ConceptsAnimals Torn To PiecesDeath Of CreaturesForbidden FoodRelation Of Animals To Mannatural Death