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And if they say, 'Wherefore mournest thou?' Then tell them, 'For the tidings that cometh, at the which all hearts shall melt, all hands shall be letten down, all stomachs shall faint, and all knees shall wax feeble.' Behold, it cometh, and shall be fulfilled, sayeth the LORD God.'"

to make them abashed and faint at the hearts, and in all gates to make some of them fall. O how bright and sharp is it, how well dight and mete for the slaughter.

And I sought in the land for a man, that would make up the hedge, and set himself in the gap before me in the lands behalf, that I should not utterly destroy it: but I could find none.

I will make an end of thee, and thou shalt be gone. Though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou not be found for evermore, sayeth the LORD God."

From the time of thy creation thou hast been right excellent, till wickedness was found in thee.

Thus sayeth the LORD God: I will yet once be found again of the house of Israel, and do this for them: I shall increase them as a flock of men.