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But if ye tell me the dream and the meaning thereof, ye shall have of me gifts, rewards and great honour. Only, show me the dream, and the signification of it."

For the which cause the king was wroth with great indignation, and commanded to destroy all the wise men at Babylon:

Thou king sawest, and behold: there stood before thee a great Image, whose figure was marvelous great, and his visage grim.

Then was the iron, the earth, the copper, the silver and gold broken altogether in pieces: and became like the chaff of corn, that the wind bloweth away from the summer floors, that they can no more be found. But the stone that smote the Image, became a great mountain, which fulfilleth the whole earth.

And whereas thou sawest that without any hands there was cut out of the mount a stone, which brake the iron, the copper, the earth, the silver and gold in pieces: by that hath the great God showed the king, what will come after this. This is a true dream, and the interpretation of it is sure."

So the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many and great gifts. He made him ruler of all the countries of Babylon, and lord of all the nobles, that were at Babylon.

Now Daniel intreated the king for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, so that he made them rulers over all the offices in the land of Babylon: But Daniel himself remained still in the court by the king.

O how great are his tokens, and how mighty are his wonders? His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his power lasteth for ever and ever.

which was very high, great and mighty. The height reached unto the heaven, and the breadth extended to all the ends of the earth:

As for the tree that thou sawest which was so great and mighty, whose height reached unto the heaven, and his breadth into all the world;

Even thou, O king, art the tree: great and strong. Thy greatness increaseth, and reacheth unto the heaven, so doth thy power to the ends of the earth.

and said, "This is the great city of Babylon, which I myself, with my power and strength, have made a king's court, for the honour of my majesty."

The very same hour was this matter fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: so that he was cast out of men's company, and ate grass like an ox; His body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were as great as Eagle's feathers, and his nails like bird's claws.

At the same time was mine understanding given me again, and I was restored to the honour of my kingdom, to my dignity, and to my own shape again. My great estates and princes sought unto me, and I was set in my kingdom again, so that I had yet greater worship.

King Belshazzar made a great banquet to his thousand lords: with all these thousand he made great cheer,

I have heard speak of thee, that thou hast the spirit of the holy gods, experience and understanding, and that there hath been great wisdom found in thee.

All the great estates of the realm - as the princes, dukes, senators and judges - are determined to put out a commandment of the king, and to make a sure statute. Namely, that whoso desireth any petition, either of any god or man within this thirty days, except it be only of thee, O king: the same person may be cast into the lions' den.

and four great beasts came up from the sea, one unlike another.

Behold, the second beast was like a Bear, and stood upon the one side. Among his teeth in his mouth he had three great long teeth, and it was said unto him, 'Arise, eat up, much flesh.'

After this I saw in a vision by night, and behold, the fourth beast was grim and horrible, and marvelous strong. It had great iron teeth, it devoured and destroyed, and stamped the residue under feet. It was far unlike the other beasts that were before it: for it had ten horns, whereof I took good heed.

I saw that this ram pushed with his horns, against the west, against the north and against the south: so that no beasts might stand before him, nor defend them from his power: but he did as him listed, and waxed great.

The goat waxed exceedingly great, and when he was at the strongest, his great horn was broken also. Then grew there another four such like in the stead, toward the four winds of the heaven.

Yea out of one of the least of these horns, there came up yet another horn, which waxed marvelous great: toward the south, toward the east, and toward the fair pleasant land.

but the goat is the king of Greek land: the great horn that stood betwixt his eyes, that is the principal king.

I prayed before the LORD my God, and knowledged, saying, "O LORD, thou great and fearful God, thou that keepest covenant and mercy with them which love thee, and do thy commandments:

And he hath performed his words, which he spake against us, and against our judges that judged us: to bring upon us such a great plague, as never was under heaven, like as it is now come to pass in Jerusalem.

O my God, incline thine ear, and hearken; at the least for thine own sake, open thine eyes. Behold how we be desolated: yea, and the city also, which is called after thy name. For we do not cast our prayers before thee in our own righteousnesses, no, but only in thy great mercies.

Upon the twenty fourth day of the first month, I was by the great flood called Tigris.

I, Daniel, alone saw this vision. The men that were with me, saw it not: but a great fearfulness fell upon them, so that they fled away, and hid themselves.

I was left there myself alone, and saw this great vision, so long till there remained no more strength within me: Yea I lost my colour clean, I wasted away, and my strength was gone.

Then shall there arise yet a mighty king, that shall rule with great dominion, and do what him list.

"And the king of the south shall be mighty; and one of his princes: and he shall prevail against him and bear rule. His dominion shall be a great dominion.

Wherefore his sons shall be displeased, and shall gather together a mighty great host of people: and one of them shall come, and go through like a water flood: then shall he return, and go forth with defying and boasting unto his own land.

Then the king of the south shall be angry, and shall come forth to fight against the king of the north: Yea, he shall bring a great multitude of people together, and a great heap shall be given into his hand.

These shall he carry away with great pride, forsomuch as he hath cast down so many thousands, nevertheless he shall not prevail.

For the king of the north shall gather, of the new, a greater heap of people than afore, and come forth after a certain time and years with a mighty host and exceeding great goods.

His power and heat shall be stirred up with a great army against the king of the south: wherethrough the king of the south shall be moved then unto battle, with a great mighty host also. Nevertheless, he shall not be able to stand, for they shall conspire against him.

Then shall he go home again into his own land with great good, and set his heart against the holy covenant. He shall be busy against it, and then return home.

This shall he do, seeking help and succor at the mighty Idols and strange gods. Such as receive him, and take him for God, he shall give them great worship and power: yea and make them lords of the multitude, and give them the land with rewards.

In the latter time, shall the king of the south strive with him; and the king of the north in like manner shall come against him with chariots, horsemen and with a great navy of ships. He shall come into the lands, destroy and go through:

Nevertheless the tidings out of the East and the north shall trouble him, for the which cause he shall go forth to destroy and curse a great multitude.

The time will come also, that the great prince Michael, which standeth on thy people side, shall arise up, for there shall come a time of trouble, such as never was, since there began to be any people, unto that same time. Then shall thy people be delivered, yea all those that be found written in the book.