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Then answered the king, and said unto Daniel, whose name was Balteshazzar, "Art thou he, that canst show me the dream which I have seen, and the interpretation thereof?"

O king, thou art a king of kings: For the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, riches, strength, and majesty:

And hath delivered thee all things that are among the children of men: the beasts of the field, and the fowls under the heaven, and given thee dominion over them all. Thou art that golden head.

Even thou, O king, art the tree: great and strong. Thy greatness increaseth, and reacheth unto the heaven, so doth thy power to the ends of the earth.

Then was Daniel brought before the king. So the king spake unto Daniel, and said, "Art thou that Daniel, one of the prisoners of Judah whom my father the king brought out of Jewry?

For as soon as thou begannest to make thy prayer, it was so devised, and therefore am I come to show thee. And why? For thou art a man greatly beloved. Wherefore, ponder the matter well, that thou mayest learn to understand the vision.