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He answered, and said to Arioch, being then the king's deputy, "Why hath the king proclaimed so cruel a sentence?" So Arioch told Daniel the matter.

Verse ConceptsHurrying Others OnWhy Do Others Do This?

So there came the soothsayers, charmers, Chaldeans and conjurers of devils: to whom I told the dream. But what it betokened, they could not show me:

Verse ConceptsStarsAstrologersClairvoyancesMagiciansNecromancyOccultismpsychics

till at the last, there came one Daniel, otherwise called Balteshazzar, according to the name of my God, which hath the spirit of the holy gods, in him: to whom I told the dream, saying,

his leaves were fair, he had very much fruit, so that every man had enough to eat therein. The beasts of the field had shadows under it, and the fowls of the air dwelt in the boughs thereof. Shortly, all creatures fed of it.

Verse ConceptsAbundance, MaterialFoliageBearing Fruit

Phares, thy kingdom is dealt in parts, and given to the Medes and Persians."

Verse ConceptsAbasement, Examples Of

After this, wrote king Darius, "Unto all people kindreds and tongues, that dwelt in all lands, peace be multiplied with you.

Verse ConceptsLanguages ConfusedAll LanguagesAll Nations

till I gat me to one of them that stood by, to know the truth, concerning all these things. So he told me, and made me understand the interpretation of these things.

Verse ConceptsSpectatorsGod Revealing Mysteries