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And the LORD said unto him, "Call his name Jezreel, for I will shortly avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu, and will bring the kingdom of the house of Israel to an end.

Verse ConceptsGod Naming PeoplePeople EndedDeposingKilling Many People

She conceived yet again, and bare a daughter. And he said unto him, "Call her name Loruhamah, that is, 'Not obtaining mercy,' for I will have no pity upon the house of Israel, but forget them, and put them clean out of remembrance.

Verse ConceptsUnforgivenessGod Naming PeopleGod Not ForgivingGod Without Mercy

Then said he, "Call his name Loammi. For why? Ye are not my people, therefore will I not be yours.

Verse ConceptsGod Naming PeopleIsrael HardenedWithout God

Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together again, and chose themselves one head, and then depart out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel."

Verse ConceptsNations UnitedOnly One PersonOther Timesreuniting

As for your mother, ye shall chide with her, and reprove her: for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband, unless she put away her whoredoms out of my sight, and her adultery from her breasts.

Verse ConceptsBreasts, Figurative Usedivorce, in OTChallengesCertificate of divorceMarriage, Between God And His PeopleSinglenessUnfaithfulness, To PeopleWivesAvoid AdulteryNot MarryingMothersbreastsmakeup

If no, I shall strip her naked, and set her, even as she came into the world. Yea, I shall lay her waste, and make her like a wilderness, and slay her for thirst.

Verse ConceptsBabiesGod Stripping PeopleDry PlacesGod Might Kill His PeopleNew BornDeserts Used Figuratively

I shall have no pity also upon her children, for they be the children of fornication.

Verse ConceptsGod Without MercyMothers Love For Her ChildrenKidsInfidelityLoving Childrenpity

Their mother hath broken her wedlock, and she that bare them, is come to confusion. For she said, 'I will go after my lovers, that give me my water and my bread, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.'

Verse ConceptsBad Decision Making ExamplesWaterWoolBarteringHarlotsConceptionMan Providing WaterProvision Of OilPeople Providing FoodShame Of Bad Conduct

and though she run after her lovers, yet shall she not get them: she shall seek them, but not find them. Then shall she say, 'Well, I will go turn again to my first husband, for at that time was I better at ease, than now.'

Verse ConceptsMarriage, Between God And His PeopleUnion With Christ, Nature OfOvertakingNot FindingPersonal GoodSeeking But Not Finding PeopleFinding Lovelovers

I will punish her also for the days of Baal, wherein she censed him, decking him with her earrings and chains: when she followed her lovers, and forgat me, sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsForgettingOrnamentsPast, TheRingsWearing Jewellery

For I will take away those names of Baal from her mouth, yea she shall never remember their names any more.

Verse ConceptsLipsCessationStopping EvilNames Blotted Outlovers

Then will I make a covenant with them, with the wild beasts, with the fowls of the air, and with everything that creepeth upon the earth. As for bow, sword and battle, I will destroy such out of the land, and will make them to sleep safely.

Verse ConceptsAbolitionCovenant, the newCovenant, God's with NoahBow And Arrows, Symbol Of StrengthRest, EternalWeaponsWild Beasts SubduedGod Makes PeaceNo WarMillennial Kingdom, Universal Peace And BlessingBirdsSleeping Peacefully

I will sow them upon earth, for a seed to mine own self, and will have mercy upon her, that was without mercy. And to them which were not my people, I will say, 'Thou art my people.' And he shall say, 'Thou art my God.'"

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In OtOutsidersReinstatementThe Gentiles ConversionGod Will Show MercyYou Are Our God

and said unto her, "Thou shalt bide with me a long season, but see that thou playest not the harlot, and look thou meddle with none other man, and then will I keep myself for thee."

Verse ConceptsBaal Worship, HistoryAvoid AdulteryStaying A Long TimeSame Sex Marriage

Hear the word of the LORD, O ye children of Israel: For the LORD must punish them, that dwell in the land. And why? There is no faithfulness, there is no mercy, there is no knowledge of God in the land:

Verse ConceptsLitigationForgetting GodFaithfulness, To GodProphecy, Methods Of OtWord Of GodCharacter Of WickedNot Knowing GodPeople Without Mercy

Thus the priest is become like the people. Wherefore I will punish them for their wicked ways, and reward them according to their own imaginations.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Institution In Ot TimesLike People In CharacterGod Will RequitePunishment of the The WickedRewards Of Ritual

My people ask counsel at their stocks, their staff must tell them. For a whorish mind hath deceived them, so that they commit fornication against their God.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual HarlotryIngratitudeSpirit, Emotional Aspects OfWoodHarlotsCausing People To TurnIdol Worshipwhores

They make sacrifices upon the high mountains, and burn their incense upon the hills, yea among the oaks, groves and bushes, for there are good shadows. Therefore your daughters are become harlots, and your spouses have broken their wedlock.

Verse ConceptsHillsTreesOaksThose Who Committed AdulterySacrificing On The High Places

I will not punish your daughters for being defiled, and your brides that became whores: seeing the fathers themselves have meddled with harlots, and offered with unthriftiness: but the people that will not understand must be punished.

Verse ConceptsThe Insecurity Of The WickedBeing Without UnderstandingMale Prostitutesadultrywhores

For Israel is gone back like a wanton cow. The LORD therefore shall make her feed, as the lamb that goeth astray.

Verse ConceptsGod, As ShepherdObstinacy Against GodHeifersBackslidingBacksliders

O ye priests, hear this; take heed, O thou household of Israel; give ear, O thou kingly house. For this punishment will come upon you, that are become a snare unto Mizphah, and a spread net unto the mount of Tabor.

Verse ConceptsNetsTrapCorrupt PriestsSnares Laid for PeopleMan Trapping

I know Ephraim well enough, and Israel is not hid from me: for Ephraim is become a harlot, and Israel is defiled.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual HarlotryGod Knowing His PeopleNorthern Kingdom Of IsraelThe Great Prostitute

But the pride of Israel will be rewarded him in his face, yea both Israel and Ephraim shall fall for their wickedness, and Judah with them also.

Verse ConceptsStumblingDownfall Of IsraelThings As WitnessesNorthern Kingdom Of IsraelProud Peoplearrogance

They shall come with their sheep and bullocks to seek the LORD, but they shall not find him, for he is gone from them.

Verse Conceptsethics, incentives towardsLonelinessSin, Effects OfReprobatesNot FindingGod Hiding

As for the LORD, they have refused him, and brought up bastard children: a month therefore shall devour them with their portions.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, To GodNew Moon FestivalBeginning Of PeriodsUnfaithful

Ephraim is oppressed, and can have no right of the law. For why? They follow the doctrines of men.

Verse ConceptsGrinding PeopleThose Oppressed

The multitude of the priests is like a heap of thieves, murderers and bloodthirsty: for they have wrought abomination.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot TimesRoadsCorrupt PriestsLeaders Sinning

But Judah shall have a harvest for himself, when I return the captivity of my people.

Verse ConceptsHarvestRestoring NationsSowing And Reaping

Even so goeth it this day with our kings and princes, for they begin to be wood drunken through wine: they use familiarity with such as deceive them.

Verse ConceptsAlcoholMockeryDrunkenness, ResultsInfidelity To GodEvil AssociationsSick IndividualsScoffersfriendliness

They with the imagination of their heart are like an oven, their sleep is all night like the sleep of a baker, in the morning is he as hot as the flame of fire:

Verse ConceptsEvil PlansIn The MorningActing All NightUnnamed People Angry With Others

And the pride of Israel is cast down before their face, yet will they not turn to the LORD their God, nor seek him for all this.

Verse ConceptsImpenitence, Warnings AgainstNot Returning To GodNot Seeking GodThings As WitnessesProud PeoplePridearrogance

Woe be unto them, for they have forsaken me. They must be destroyed, for they have set me at naught. I am he that have redeemed them, and yet they dissemble with me.

Verse ConceptsGod, As RedeemerAttitudes Of RebellionRebellion, Of IsraelSin, Nature OfInfidelity To GodDestruction Of The WickedPeople Going AstrayWoe To Israel And Jerusalem

They call not upon me with their hearts, but lie howling upon their beds. Whereas they come together, it is but for meat and drink, and me will they not obey.

Verse ConceptsBedsShortage Of WineLack Of MeaningGashing BodiesNot PrayingPeople Mourning Catastrophe

They turn themselves, but not aright, and are become as a broken bow. Their princes shall be slain with the sword for the malice of their tongues, such blasphemies have they learned in the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsFaultsBow And Arrows, Illustrations OfRidicule, Nature OfAccuracyKilled With The Sword

Set the horn to thy mouth, and blow: get thee swiftly as an Eagle into the house of the LORD: for they have broken my covenant, and transgressed my law.

Verse ConceptsRejection Of GodTrumpetWingsBirds, Types Of BirdsEaglesTrumpets For SignallingBreaking The CovenantBreaking God's Law

Thy calf, O Samaria, shall be taken away, for my wrathful indignation is gone forth against thee. How long will it be, before they can be cleansed?

Verse ConceptsPurity, Moral And SpiritualRejecting ThingsBefore People ActGod Opposes Idolatry

For the calf came from Israel; the workman made it: therefore can it be no God, but even to a spider's web shall the calf of Samaria be turned.

Verse ConceptsBroken Things

they have forgotten him that made them, they build churches, and Judah maketh many strong cities: therefore will I send a fire into their cities, and it shall consume their places.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsForgettingFortified CitiesBuildingGrowth Of EvilDestruction Of HousesBurning CitiesCreation Of All Mankind

Do not thou triumph, O Israel; make no boasting more than the Heathen. For thou hast committed adultery against thy God: strange rewards hast thou loved, more than all the corn floors.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, To GodSpiritual HarlotryIngratitudeMarriage, Between God And His PeopleServants, Working Conditions OfUnfaithfulness, To GodLack Of RejoicingWages Of A ProstituteThe Great Prostitute

They pour out no wine for a drink offering unto the LORD, neither give they him their slain offerings: but they be unto them as mourner's meats, wherein all they that eat them are defiled. For the bread that they have such lust unto, shall not come into the house of the LORD.

Verse ConceptsMournersPollutionsRepulsive FoodMourning DeathMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsNot Pleasing God

Lo, they shall get them away for the destruction. Egypt shall receive them, and Memphis shall bury them. The nettles shall overgrow their pleasant goods, and burrs shall be in their tabernacles.

Verse ConceptsBriersThornsTreasureMemphisAbandoning IdolsBurying places

Be ye sure, O Israel: the time of visitation is come, the days of recompensing are at hand. As for the prophet, ye hold him for a fool; and him that is rich in the spirit, for a mad man: so great is your wickedness and malice.

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfAttitudes Of HostilityPersecution, Forms OfRejection Of God, Results OfReward, DivineThe Recompense Of The WickedVisitationProphecy IgnoredCounted As FoolsHating The RighteousKnowing FactsReckoned Insanedistractions

They be gone too far, and have destroyed themselves, like as they did afore time at Gibeah. Therefore their wickedness shall be remembered, and their sins punished.

Verse ConceptsCorruption, Of HumanitySpiritual DepthsGod Remembering Sincorruption

All their wickedness is done at Gilgal, there do I abhor them. For the ungraciousness of their own inventions, I will drive them out of my house. I will love them no more, for all their princes are unfaithful.

Verse ConceptsHatredGod Hating PeopleUnlovingInterlopers In The Temple

My God shall cast them away, for they have not been obedient unto him, therefore shall they go astray among the Heathen.

Verse ConceptsThe HomelessWanderersDriven Away By God

Then shall they say, "We have no king. For why? We have not feared the LORD. And what shall then the king do to us?"

Verse ConceptsIrreverenceAnarchyPeople's Inability To SaveNature Of KingsNo Fear Of GodNo KingUnable To Save

It shall be brought to the Assyrians for a present unto king Jareb. Ephraim shall receive full punishment; Israel shall be confounded for his own imaginations;

Verse ConceptsdisgraceIdolatry, Objections ToShameTaxationAssyria, Prophecies OfCarrying IdolsGentile RulersShame Of Idolatry

I will chasten them, even after mine own desire; the people shall be gathered together over them, when I punish them for their great wickedness.

Verse ConceptsChastisementPeople OpposedTwo Intangible Things

Ephraim was unto me, as a cow that is used to go to plow; therefore I loved him, and fell upon his fair neck. I drove Ephraim, Judah plowed, and Jacob played the husbandman:

Verse ConceptsThreshingYokesHeifersMetaphorical PloughingNorthern Kingdom Of Israeltrainingbackstabbing

therefore have I not turned me to destroy Ephraim in my wrathful displeasure. For I am God, and no man: I am even that holy one in the midst of thee, though I came not within the city.

Verse ConceptsSanctification, Nature And BasisAnger Of God, Saved FromGod In Relation To ManGod Will No More Be AngryMan's Relation To God

Jacob fled into the land of Syria, and Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheep.

Verse ConceptsSheepWagesIsrael FleeingOther Wivessyria

Therefore shall sorrows come upon him, as upon a woman that travaileth. An indiscreet son is he: for he considereth not, that he should not have been able to have endured in the time of his birth,

Verse ConceptsWombLabour PainsBirth Not Being Possible

Yet can I see no comfort, for when he is now the goodliest among the brethren, the East wind, even the wind of the LORD, shall come down from the wilderness, and dry up his conduits, and drink up his wells: he shall spoil the treasure of all pleasant vessels.

Verse ConceptseastShepherds, As OccupationsTreasureOut Of The EastWaters Drying UpGod Dispensing WindFailing RiversTaking PossessionsFamineThe East Wind

Turn Israel unto the LORD thy God: For thou art fallen for thy wickednesses' sake.

Verse ConceptsReturning To GodDownfallFalling Away From God

Assyria shall not save us, neither will we ride on horses: neither will we say to the works of our own hands, 'Ye are our Gods,' for thou hast compassion on the friendless.

Verse ConceptsFalse Confidenceempiresdefence, divineOrphansGod's MercyThings Which Cannot SaveGod Caring For Orphans

Ephraim, what have ye any more to do with idols? I have healed him and looked on him. I will be as a great fir tree, and of me shall thy fruit be found.

Verse ConceptsFir TreesUnfading LifeThe Source Of FruitGod Will AnswerWhat Have We In Common?God KeepsChristmas Treefruitfulness

Who is wise to understand these things and hath wit to perceive them? For the ways of the LORD are straight, and the righteous shall walk in them: but the wicked shall tumble in them.

Verse ConceptsDiscernment, Nature OfOrthodoxy, In OtRighteousness, Of BelieversStumblingWisdom, Human ImportanceWisdom, Human NatureDownfallValuing KnowledgeDiscernment