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Wake up ye drunkards, and weep: mourn all ye wine sippers because of your sweet wine, for it shall be taken away from your mouth.

The field shall be wasted, the land shall be in a miserable cause: for the corn shall be destroyed, the sweet wine shall come to confusion, and the oil utterly desolate.

The seed shall perish in the ground, the garners shall lie waste, the floors shall be broken down, for the corn shall be destroyed.

And the LORD answered and said unto his people, "Behold, I sent you corn, new wine and oil, that ye shall be satisfied therewith. Neither will I deliver you any more unto the heathen.

Yea, they have cast lots for my people, the young men have they set in the brothel house, and sold the damsels for wine, that they might have to drink.

Your sons and your daughters will I sell through the hands of the children of Judah, and so they shall give them forth to sell, unto them of Sheba, a people of a far country: for the LORD himself hath said it.

Let the people arise, and get them to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit, and judge all Heathen round about.

And at that day the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the brooks of Judah shall run with water. And a fountain shall go out of the house of the LORD and water the river of Shittim.