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And the priest shall bring it unto the altar, and wring the neck asunder of it, and burn it on the altar, and let the blood run out upon the sides of the altar,

And hereby shall it be known when he is unclean. If his flesh run, or if his flesh congeal by the reason of his issue, then he is unclean.

And ye shall possess them and give them unto your children after you, to possess them for ever: and they shall be your bondmen. But over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not reign one over another cruelly.

and shall be with him year by year as a hired servant, and the other shall not reign cruelly over him in thy sight.

then I will send you rain in the right season and your land shall yield her increase and the trees of the field shall give their fruit.

And I will set my face against you and ye shall fall before your enemies, and they that hate you shall reign over you, and ye shall flee when no man followeth you.