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the gecko, crocodile, lizard, sand lizard, and chameleon.

Verse ConceptsAnimals, Types OfLizards

Then he is to send the bird away, outside the city, facing the fields, to make atonement for the house. Then it is to be considered clean.

Verse ConceptsOutside The CityPriests Atoning

The male goat on which the lot fell for the scapegoat is to be brought alive into the LORD's presence to make atonement for himself. Then he is to send it into the wilderness."

Verse ConceptsAtonementLiving In The WildernessDriving Out AnimalsTaking Away EvilWhilst Alive

Aaron is to lay his two hands upon the head of the male goat and confess over it the sins of Israel, all their transgressions, and all their sins, thus placing them on the head of the male goat that he'll then send out to the wilderness by the hand of a man capable of carrying out this task.

Verse ConceptsWorship, Elements OfLaying On Of HandsAnimal Sacrifices, As A Type Of ChristHands On HeadsDriving Out AnimalsLaying Hands On SacrificesSin Confessed

The one who sent away the male goat as a scapegoat is to wash his clothes and bathe his body with water. After doing so, he may enter the camp.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfScapegoatClean ClothesTaking Away Evil

"If a person brings a peace offering sacrifice to the LORD to fulfill a vow or a free will offering from the herd or the flock, it is to be sound in order to be accepted, without any defect in it.

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingPerfection, DivineVowsUnblemishmentPerfect SacrificesPeace offerings

Sound a horn on the tenth day of the seventh month of this fiftieth year. Likewise, on the Day of Atonement, sound the horn throughout your land.

Verse ConceptsMusical Instruments, types ofMonth 7Trumpets For CelebrationTime Of Yearreuniting

then I'll send your rain in its season so that the land will yield its produce and the trees of the field will yield their fruit.

Verse ConceptsNatureRainWeather, God's Sovereignty OverGifts From God, TemporalGod Sending Rainsisterhood

I'll send wild beasts against you from the open country to deprive you of your children, destroy your cattle, and decrease your number so that your roads become desolate.

Verse ConceptsBeastsNumbers ReducingAnimals Killing

I'll bring the sword against you to execute the vengeance of my covenant. When you gather in your cities, I'll send a pestilence. As a result, you'll be delivered into the control of your enemies.

Verse ConceptsPestilenceWar As God's JudgmentGod Executes VengeanceCovenant Made At SinaiGod's Sword

I'll lay your cities to waste and destroy your sanctuaries so I don't have to smell the scent of your soothing odors.

Verse ConceptsFaintingRejection Of God, Results OfSanctuarySmellsArchaeologyAromasDestruction Of CitiesCities Under AttackRefreshing God

"As for the remnants among you, I'll bring despair in their hearts in the land of their enemies so that even the sound of a blown leaf will chase them and they flee as though pursued by the sword and fall when no one is pursuing.

Verse ConceptsFugitivesHuman EmotionHeart, HumanWeakness, PhysicalFaint HeartednessSurvivors Threatened