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"When you bring an offering that is, a grain offering baked in an oven it is to consist of fine flour baked into unleavened bread mixed with olive oil or of wafers made of unleavened bread and smeared with olive oil.

Every grain offering that's baked in the oven and everything that's prepared in a stew pan or in the frying pan belongs to the priest who offered it.

Then he clothed Aaron with the tunic, girded him with the band for priests, clothed him with the robe, placed the ephod on him, girded him with the skillfully woven band of the ephod, and bound it on him.

You are not to eat their flesh or even touch their carcasses. They are to be unclean for you."

and anything into which their carcass falls becomes unclean. An oven or stove is to be broken in pieces. They're unclean and therefore unclean for you.

The one who eats from its carcass is to wash his clothes, because he has become unclean until evening. Even the one who carries the carcass is to wash his clothes, because he has become unclean until evening."

when the priest's examination reveals that the infectious skin disease has covered his entire body, then he is to declare him clean, even though he still has the skin infection. He has turned entirely white, so he's clean.

in woven or knitted material, in leather, or with any article containing leather,

if the contagion is greenish or reddish in the clothing, leather, woven material, knitted material, or with any article containing leather, it's a fungal infection and is to be shown to the priest.

The priest is to examine the contagion on the seventh day. If the infection has spread on the clothing, in the woven material, the knitted material, or in the leather, no matter the purpose for which the leather material had been manufactured, the contagion is a chronic fungal infection. It's unclean.

"Incinerate the clothing, the woven material, the knitted material (whether wool or linen), or any of the leather articles on which the contagion is found, because it's a chronic fungal infection. It is to be incinerated.

"But if the priest examines it and the infection did not spread on the clothing, either in the woven or knitted material or on anything made of leather,

Then the priest is to examine it after the contagion has been washed. If the contagion hasn't changed in appearance, even though the contagion hasn't spread, it's unclean. Incinerate it. It's a fungal infection, especially if the infection is on its exposed side.

"If the priest examines the item and determines that the contagion has become dull after it has been washed, tear it away from the garment, leather, woven material, or knitted material.

But if it recurs on the clothing (whether woven or knitted material) or on any article made of leather, it's a breakout, so incinerate it with fire wherever the contagion is found.

Then the clothing (whether it is woven or knitted material) or any article made of leather that you've washed, if the contagion has been removed from it and it's washed a second time, then it's clean.

"This is the law concerning fungal contagions on clothing of wool or linen (whether woven or knitted material) or in any of the articles made of leather, for determining whether it is clean or unclean."

This is why I've told the Israelis that no person among you is to eat blood. Even the resident alien who lives among you is not to eat blood.

"Now if you ask, "What will we eat during the seventh year? After all, we may not plant or even gather our produce!'

I'll give peace in the land so that you'll lie down without fear. I'll remove wild beasts from the land, and not even war will come to your land.

I'll set my face against you so that you'll be defeated before your enemies. Those who hate you will have dominion over you and you'll keep fleeing even when no one is pursuing you.

When I destroy the source of your bread, ten women will bake bread in one oven. Then they'll return back your bread by weight. You'll eat but won't be satisfied.

"As for the remnants among you, I'll bring despair in their hearts in the land of their enemies so that even the sound of a blown leaf will chase them and they flee as though pursued by the sword and fall when no one is pursuing.

They'll stumble over each other as though fleeing before the sword, even though no one is pursuing.

He is not to examine it to see if it's good or bad or even exchange it. If he does exchange it, what has been exchanged as well as its substitute is sacred. It is not to be redeemed."