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Therefore I shall make Samaria a heap of stones in the field, to lay about the vineyard: her stones shall I cast into the valley, and uncover her foundations.

But I will gather thee indeed, O Jacob, and drive the remnant of Israel all together. I shall carry them one with another, as a flock in the fold, and as the cattle in their stalls, that they may be disquieted of other men.

Therefore shall Zion, for your sakes, be plowed like a field: Jerusalem shall become a heap of stones, and the hill of the temple shall be turned to a high wood.

And now, O thou daughter Zion, be sorry: let it grieve thee as a wife labouring with child. For now must thou get thee out of the city, and dwell upon the plain field: Yea, unto Babylon shalt thou go, there shalt thou be delivered, and there the LORD shall loose thee from the hand of thine enemies.