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This is the word of the LORD, that came to Micah the Morasthite, in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah: which was showed him upon Samaria and Jerusalem.

For why? Behold, the LORD shall go out of his place, and come down, and tread upon the high things of the earth.

For their wound is past remedy. And why? It is come into Judah, and hath touched the port of my people at Jerusalem already.

The rebellious city hopeth that it shall not be so evil: but for all that, the plague shall come from the LORD, even in to the port of Jerusalem.

The great noise of the chariots shall fear them that dwell at Lachish, which is an occasion of the sin of the daughter of Zion, for in thee came up the wickedness of Israel.

"Tush, hold your tongue," say they. "It shall not fall on this people, we shall not come so to confusion,"

Now the time shall come, that when they call unto the LORD, he shall not hear them, but hide his face from them, because that through their own Imaginations they have dealt so wickedly.

But in the latter days it will come to pass, that the hill of the LORD's house shall be set up higher than any mountains or hills: Yea, the people shall flow unto it,

and the multitude of the Gentiles shall haste them thither, saying, "Come, let us go up to the hill of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob: that he may teach us his way, and that we may walk in his paths." For the law shall come out of Zion, and the word of God from Jerusalem;

And unto thee, O thou tower of Eder, thou stronghold of the daughter Zion, unto thee shall it come: even the first lordship and kingdom of the daughter Jerusalem.

Then shall there be peace, so that the Assyrian may come into our land, and tread in our houses. We shall bring up seven shepherds and eight princes upon them:

The time shall come also, sayeth the LORD, that I will take thine horses from thee, and destroy thy chariots.

"What acceptable thing shall I offer unto the LORD? Shall I bow my knee to the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, and with calves of a year old?

The time will come, that thy gaps shall be made up, and the law shall go abroad:

and at that time shall they come unto thee, from Assyria unto the strong cities, and from the strong cities unto the river: from the one sea to the other, from the one mountain to the other.

Marvelous things will I show them, like as when they came out of Egypt.