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I will gather up man and beast: I will gather up the fowls in the air and the fish in the sea, to the great decay of the wicked: and will utterly destroy the men out of the land, sayeth the LORD.

And thus shall it happen in the day of the LORD's slain offering: I will visit the princes, the king's children, and all such as wear strange clothing.

Howl, ye that dwell in the mill! For all the merchant people are gone, and all they that were laden with silver, are rooted out.

Before the thing go forth that is concluded; and before the time be passed away as the dust, or the fearful wrath of the LORD come upon you.

Yea, or the day of the LORD's sore displeasure come upon you. Seek the LORD, all ye meek hearted upon earth, ye that work after his judgment: seek righteousness, seek lowliness, that ye may be defended in the wrathful day of the LORD.

Her rulers within her are as roaring lions: her judges are as wolves in the evening, which leave nothing behind them till the morrow.

Her prophets are light persons and unfaithful men: her priests unhallow the Sanctuary, and do wrong under the pretence of the law.

And lo, in that time will I destroy all those that vex thee: I will help the lame, and gather up the cast away: yea, I will get them honour and praise in all lands, where they have been put to shame.

At the same time will I bring you in, and at the same time will I gather you. I will get you a name and a good report among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, sayeth the LORD.