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Then spake the LORD by the Prophet Haggai, and said,

Then Haggai the LORD's messenger said in the LORD's message to the people, "I am with you, sayeth the LORD."

'If one bear holy flesh in his coat lap, and with his lap do touch the bread, pottage, wine, oil or any other meat: shall it be holy also?'" The priests answered and said, "No."

Then said Haggai, "Now if one being defiled with a dead carcass, touch any of these: shall it also be unclean?"

The Priests gave answer and said, "Yea, it shall be unclean." Then Haggai answered, and said, "Even so is this people and this nation before me, sayeth the LORD: and so are all the works of their hands, yea and all that they offer, is unclean.

is not the seed yet in the barn? Have not the vines, the fig trees, the pomegranates and the olive trees been yet unfruitful? But from this day forth, I shall make them to prosper."

and overthrow the seat of the kingdoms, yea and destroy the mighty kingdom of the Heathen. I will overthrow the chariots, and those that sit upon then, so that both horse and man shall fall down, every man through his neighbour's sword.