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But did not my words and statutes, which I commanded by my servants the Prophets, touch your forefathers? Upon this, they gave answer and said, 'Like as the LORD of Hosts devised to do unto us, according to our ways and imaginations, even so hath he dealt with us.''"

Then the LORD's angel gave answer, and said, 'O LORD of Hosts, how long wilt thou be unmerciful to Jerusalem and to the cities of Judah, with whom thou hast been displeased now these seventy years?'

For vain is the answer of Idols. The soothsayers see lies, and tell but vain dreams. The comfort that they give, is nothing worth. Therefore go they astray like a flock of sheep, and are troubled, because they have no shepherd.

And if it be said unto him, 'How came these wounds then in thine hands?' He shall answer, 'Thus am I wounded in the house of mine own friends.'