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I see him, but not now;
I perceive him, but not near.
A star will come from Jacob,
and a scepter will arise from Israel.
He will smash the forehead of Moab
and strike down all the Shethites.

Verse ConceptsDawnForeheadsBethlehemLight, SpiritualNewsSceptreStarsThe Morning StarClosenessThe First Sight Of ChristChrist Is King Of IsraelMessianic Prophecies

Edom will become a possession;
Seir will become a possession of its enemies,
but Israel will be triumphant.

Verse ConceptsPeople Overcoming

Then Balaam saw Amalek and proclaimed his poem:

Amalek was first among the nations,
but his future is destruction.

Verse ConceptsBeing FirstPeople BeginningWise Proverbs

Ships will come from the coast of Kittim;
they will afflict Asshur and Eber,
but they too will come to destruction.

Verse ConceptsSeafaringShipsThe NavyShips For Attacking

Judah’s sons included Er and Onan, but they died in the land of Canaan.

but Nadab and Abihu died when they presented unauthorized fire before the Lord.

Verse ConceptsDeath As PunishmentBurning Sacrifices

But among them there was not one of those who had been registered by Moses and Aaron the priest when they registered the Israelites in the Wilderness of Sinai.

Verse ConceptsCensusNo One To Be Found

“Our father died in the wilderness, but he was not among Korah’s followers, who gathered together against the Lord. Instead, he died because of his own sin, and he had no sons.

Verse ConceptsDying In The WildernessSinners Grasped By DeathDeath Of A Father

and her father hears about her vow or the obligation she put herself under, and he says nothing to her, all her vows and every obligation she put herself under are binding.

But if her father prohibits her on the day he hears about it, none of her vows and none of the obligations she put herself under are binding. The Lord will absolve her because her father has prohibited her.

Verse ConceptsGod Will Forgive

and her husband hears about it and says nothing to her when he finds out, her vows are binding, and the obligations she put herself under are binding.

But if her husband prohibits her when he hears about it, he will cancel her vow that is binding or the rash commitment she herself made, and the Lord will forgive her.

Verse ConceptsGod Will Forgiveimpulsiveness

“If a woman in her husband’s house has made a vow or put herself under an obligation with an oath,

Verse ConceptsHusband And WifeRelationships With Boyfriend

and her husband hears about it, says nothing to her, and does not prohibit her, all her vows are binding, and every obligation she put herself under is binding.

But if her husband cancels them on the day he hears about it, nothing that came from her lips, whether her vows or her obligation, is binding. Her husband has canceled them, and the Lord will absolve her.

Verse ConceptsGod Will Forgive

But if he cancels them after he hears about them, he will be responsible for her commitment.”

But Moses became furious with the officers, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, who were returning from the military campaign.

Verse ConceptsMilitary ServiceCommanderNamed People Angry With Others

but keep alive for yourselves all the young females who have not had sexual relations.

Verse Conceptssexteenagergenocide

everything that can withstand fire—you are to pass through fire, and it will be clean. It must still be purified with the purification water. Anything that cannot withstand fire, pass through the water.

But Moses asked the Gadites and Reubenites, “Should your brothers go to war while you stay here?

Verse ConceptsReady For War

But we will arm ourselves and be ready to go ahead of the Israelites until we have brought them into their place. Meanwhile, our dependents will remain in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsCityWarriors

But if you don’t do this, you will certainly sin against the Lord; be sure your sin will catch up with you.

Verse ConceptsFindingExposure Of SinBeing Found OutMaking Mistakes

Build cities for your dependents and folds for your flocks, but do what you have promised.”

Verse ConceptsCities In IsraelStock Keeping

but your servants are equipped for war before the Lord and will go across to the battle as my lord orders.”

Verse ConceptsRiver Crossings

But if they don’t go across with you in battle formation, they must accept land in Canaan with you.”

We will cross over in battle formation before the Lord into the land of Canaan, but we will keep our hereditary possession across the Jordan.”

Verse ConceptsRiver Crossings

But if you don’t drive out the inhabitants of the land before you, those you allow to remain will become thorns in your eyes and in your sides; they will harass you in the land where you will live.

Verse ConceptsThornsWeedsEvil AssociationsNot Driving Them OutEyes HarmedTroubling Groups Of Peopleharassmentlandislam

“If anyone strikes a person with an iron object and death results, he is a murderer; the murderer must be put to death.

Verse ConceptsIronJudgement On Murderers

If a man has in his hand a stone capable of causing death and strikes another person and he dies, the murderer must be put to death.

Verse ConceptsStonesBeing Struck With StonesJudgement On Murderers

If a man has in his hand a wooden object capable of causing death and strikes another person and he dies, the murderer must be put to death.

Verse ConceptsJudgement On Murderers

or if in hostility he strikes him with his hand and he dies, the one who struck him must be put to death; he is a murderer. The avenger of blood is to kill the murderer when he finds him.

Verse ConceptsJudgement On Murderers

“But if anyone suddenly pushes a person without hostility or throws any object at him without malicious intent

Verse ConceptsLack Of Expectation

or without looking drops a stone that could kill a person and he dies, but he was not his enemy and wasn’t trying to harm him,

Verse ConceptsBeing Struck With Stones

“If anyone kills a person, the murderer is to be put to death based on the word of witnesses. But no one is to be put to death based on the testimony of one witness.

Verse ConceptsAgreements, LegalMurderWitnesses, LegalOnly One PersonDeath Penalty For Killing

You are not to accept a ransom for the life of a murderer who is guilty of killing someone; he must be put to death.