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And they began making fun of him. But he put them all outside and he took the child's father and mother and his own companions and went into the room where the child was.

He was also saying to them, “You are experts at setting aside and nullifying the commandment of God in order to keep your [man-made] tradition and regulations.

and they'll make fun of him, spit on him, whip him, and kill him. But after three days he'll be raised."

Then He began to speak to them in figurative language. "There was once a man," He said, "who planted a vineyard, fenced it round, dug a pit for the wine-tank, and built a strong lodge. Then he let the place to vine-dressers and went abroad.

At vintage-time he sent one of his servants to receive from the vine-dressers a share of the grapes.

"But those men--the vine-dressers--said to one another, "'Here is the heir: come, let us kill him, and then the property will one day be ours.'

What, therefore, will the owner of the vineyard do?" "He will come and put the vine-dressers to death," they said; "and will give the vineyard to others."

As Jesus was walking out of the Temple Courts, one of his disciples said to him: "Teacher, look what fine stones and buildings these are!"

And they grumbled at her. But Jesus said, "Leave her alone. Why do you bother her? It is a fine thing that she has done to me.

And, a certain young man, was following with him, having cast about himself a fine Indian cloth, over his naked body, - and they are securing him;

When they had finished making fun of him, they stripped him of the purple robe, put his own clothes back on him, and led him away to crucify him.

In the same way, the high priests, along with the scribes, were also making fun of him among themselves. They kept saying, "He saved others, but can't save himself!

And he bought fine linen, and took him down, and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre.