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And they came into the house; and again came the crowd together, so that they could not even eat bread.

And he said to them, Wherever ye come into a house, there remain ye even till ye should come forth thence.

And he swore to her, That whatever thou shouldest ask, I will give thee, even to half my kingdom.

And wherever he went, in towns, or cities; or fields, they set the sick in the market places, and besought him that they might even touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched him were saved.

And he says to them, My soul is sorely grieved, even to death: remain here, and watch.

And Peter followed him from far, even to within the court-yard of the chief priest: and he was sitting with the attendants, and warming himself near the light.

And they clothed him with purple, and put round him, having woven, a thorny crown.