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When all the people were baptizing, Jesus was likewise baptized, and whilst he was praying, the clouds opened,
Now Herod the tetrarch was inform'd of all his transactions: and was perplex'd at the relation of some, that John was risen from the dead: whilst others said, Elias appear'd:
At that very time Jesus fell into a divine transport, and said, "I magnify thee, O father, the Lord of heaven and earth, for having conceal'd these things from the artful and the crafty, whilst thou hast reveal'd them to the unskilful. justly, O father, hast thou thus dispens'd thy favour."
at length coming to himself, how many, said he, does my father keep in pay, who have bread in abundance, whilst I am dying here with hunger?
whilst they were in great perplexity about it, all of a sudden, two men appear'd before them in robes of light.
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