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And when the priest and captain of the temple and chief priests heard these words, they were in doubt of them, what this might be.

And seeking to kill him, a rumor went up to the captain of a thousand of the band, that the whole of Jerusalem had been embroiled.

Who having taken out of it the soldiers and centurions, he ran down to them: and they having seen the captain of a thousand and the soldiers, ceased striking Paul.

Then the captain of a thousand, having drawn near, took him, and commanded to be bound with two chains; and inquired who he might be, and what he had done.

And being about to be brought into the camp, Paul says to the captain of a thousand, Is it lawful for me to speak anything to thee? and he said, Hast thou knowledge in Greek?

The captain of a thousand commanded him to be brought to the camp, having spoken to examine him by scourges; that he might know for what cause they exclaimed so against him.

And the centurion having heard, having come near announced to the captain of a thousand, See what thou art about to do: for this man is a Roman.

And the captain of a thousand having come near, said to him, Tell me if thou art a Roman. And he said, Yes.

And the captain of a thousand answered, I obtained this citizenship for much capital. And Paul said, And I have been born.

Then quickly they about to examine him withdrew from him: and the captain of a thousand was afraid, knowing that he is a Roman, and because he had bound him.

And there being much dissension, the captain of a thousand, having dreaded lest Paul be torn asunder by them, commanded the army, having gone down, to snatch him from the midst of them, and bring into the camp.

Now therefore do ye exhibit to the captain of a thousand, with the council, so that to-morrow he might bring him down to you, as about to examine more accurately the things concerning him: and we, before he draws near, are ready to kill him.

And Paul having called one of the centurions, said, Bring this young man to the captain of a thousand; for he has something to announce to him.

Then truly having taken him, he brought to the captain of a thousand, and says, Paul, the bound, having called me, asked to bring this young man to thee, having something to say to thee.

The captain of a thousand, having taken his hand, and having withdrawn in private, inquired, What is it which thou hast to announce to me?

Truly then the captain of a thousand discharged the young man, having enjoined him, Tell none that thou hast shown these things to me.

And Lysias the captain of a thousand, having come with much force, carried away out of our hands,

And having heard these, Felix deferred them, knowing more accurately the things of the way, having said, When Lysias captain of a thousand shall come down, I will examine narrowly things concerning you.