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For I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to them which are no Greeks, unto the learned and also unto the unlearned.

Verse ConceptsBarbariansGreeksNecessityPreaching Gospel To ForeignersWise Man Or FoolDebtculture

But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth, against them which commit such things.

Verse ConceptsGod, Righteousness OfCondemnation Of The WickedJudgmentsJudging Others Actions

Thinkest thou this, O thou man that judgest them which do such things and yet doest even the very same: that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceCondemnation Of The WickedEscaping From GodJudgmentsJudgementJudging Others Actionspractice

For if the gentiles, which have no law, do of nature the things contained in the law: then they having no law, are a law unto themselves,

Verse ConceptsBeing Born In SinAtheism, Evidence AgainstForeigners Included In The LawWithout The LawGentilesDoing The Right ThingPositive ThinkingMoralitylawconscience

which show the deed of the law written in their hearts: While their conscience beareth witness unto them, and also their thoughts, accusing one another, or excusing,

Verse ConceptsGoadsThoughtWritingThoughts Of The WickedWriting On PeopleJustified By WorksKnowing Right And WrongTaking The Law To HeartThings As WitnessesHeart, HumanEthicsMoralityconscienceaccusations

And believest that thou thyself art a guide unto the blind, a light to them which are in darkness,

Verse ConceptsLiving In The LightLightBelieving In Yourself

But thou which teachest another, teachest not thyself. Thou preachest, a man should not steal: and yet thou stealest.

Verse ConceptsLearning From Other PeopleDeception, Forbidden By GodStealingPeople TeachingDo Not StealEighth CommandmentBeing YourselfInfidelity

And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it keep the law, judge thee, which being under the letter and circumcision, dost transgress the law?

Verse ConceptsBook of the LawNecessity Of CircumcisionThey Do Not Keep Commands

For he is not a Jew, which is a Jew outward. Neither is that thing circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

Verse ConceptsLimitednessCommendationExternalsLiving Not For The MaterialTrue CircumcisionJews

But he is a Jew which is hid within, and the circumcision of the heart is the true circumcision, which is in the spirit, and not in the letter: whose praise is not of men but of God.

Verse ConceptsChanged HeartHeart, Fallen And RedeemedPaul, Teaching OfTypesWorthinessRenewed HeartNew Birth, Described AsThe Holy Spirit, And RegenerationThe Holy Spirit, And ScriptureThe Inward BeingPeople Commended By GodJews

If our unrighteousness make the righteousness of God more excellent: what shall we say? Is God unrighteous which taketh vengeance? I speak after the manner of men.

Verse ConceptsGod, Righteousness OfGod Has AngerIs God Unjust?Like MenPerspective

Yea and we know that whatsoever the law saith, he saith it to them which are under the law: That all mouths may be stopped, and all the world be subdued to God,

Verse ConceptsLast JudgmentMutenessSilenceUnder The LawAccountabilityGuilt

which God did suffer to show at this time: the righteousness that is allowed of him, that he might be counted just, and a justifier of him which believeth on Jesus.

Verse ConceptsAssurance, nature ofGod, Justice OfImputed RighteousnessRighteous By Faith

And he received the sign of circumcision, as a seal of the righteousness which is by faith: which faith he had, yet being uncircumcised, that he should be the father of all them that believe: though they be not circumcised, that righteousness might be imputed to them also;

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, spiritualPraiseSealsAbraham, God's Covenant WithAbraham, New Testament ReferencesReckoningRighteous By FaithRighteousness imputed

For the promise that he should be heir of the world was not given to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law: but through the righteousness which cometh of faith.

Verse ConceptsImputed RighteousnessGod's Promise To AbrahamRighteous By FaithPromisesTrust In Relationships

For if they which are of the law be heirs, then is faith but vain, and the promise of none effect.

Verse ConceptsAbolitionSaved By FaithGod's Promise To AbrahamValue

Therefore by faith is the inheritance given, that it might come of favour: and that the promise might be sure to all the seed. Not to them only which are of the law: but also to them which are of the faith of Abraham, which is the father of us all.

Verse ConceptsAdoption, nature ofCertaintyGuaranteePaul, Teaching OfGod, Grace OfJustification Under The GospelJustification By FaithChildren Of AbrahamJustified By GraceRighteous By FaithUnder The LawGraceThe promises of GodPromises concerningFaithDadsAcceptanceFaith KjvGod's GracePromisesHaving FaithStrength And FaithFaith In Godorder

As it is written, "I have made thee a father to many nations," even before God whom thou hast believed, which quickeneth the dead and called those things which be not, as though they were.

Verse ConceptsExistenceFaithChaosGod, The CreatorThe Existence Of ThingsExistence Through GodNon ExistenceThe Dead Are RaisedGod's CallCalling

Which Abraham, contrary to hope, believed in hope: that he should be the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, "So shall thy seed be."

Verse ConceptsExamples Of FaithHope, Examples OfHope, In GodHope, Results Of Its AbsenceAttitudes Of HopeProsperity PromisedHope In Hard TimesHope And FaithAbraham Believed GodHope Kjv

And he fainted not in the faith, nor yet considered his own body, which was now dead, even when he was almost a hundred years old: neither yet that Sara was past childbearing.

Verse ConceptsBodyWeakness, SpiritualThe Age At FatherhoodWombLimitations Of The BodyGrace Verse LawWeaknesschildbearing

Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them also that sinned not, with like transgression as did Adam: which is the similitude of him that is to come.

Verse ConceptsAdam and Jesus ChristForeshadowingTypes Of ChristChrist, Types OfAntitypesSin Producing DeathNot Like ThingsSin Produces DeathAdam and eve disobey god

And the very same commandment which was ordained unto life, was found to be unto me an occasion of death.

Verse ConceptsSpiritually DeadEffect Of The LawLife Through Keeping The Law

Was that, then, which is good made death unto me? God forbid. Nay, sin was death unto me, that it might appear: how that sin by the means of that which is good, had wrought death in me: that sin which is under the commandment, might be out of measure sinful.

Verse Conceptsevil, warnings againstSin Producing DeathGood WordsEffect Of The LawFar Be It!Sin Produces DeathThe Entrance Of SinLegallaw

If I do now that which I would not, I grant to the law that it is good.

Verse ConceptsGood WordsExcellent LawTaking The Law To Heart

because the creatures are subdued to vanity against their will: but for his will which subdueth them in hope.

Verse ConceptsAgriculture, Effects Of FallDecayNot My Will But God'sUseless EndeavourThe Universe AffectedliberationMoral Decay

Moreover, which he appointed before, them he also called; and which he called, them also he justified; which he justified, them he also glorified.

Verse ConceptsBeing ChosenBlessings, SpiritualJustification, Results OfOnce Saved Always SavedJustification Under The GospelGod's Call, ResultsCalledGlorificationRejoicing In ChristJustification

Which are the Israelites, to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants and the law that was given and the service of God, and the promises,

Verse ConceptsAdoption, nature ofAdoptionGod Bestowing GloryGod's Promise To AbrahamGod's Covenant With The PatriarchsHow To Worship GodThe Law Given To IsraelPromisesisraelcovenantsonship

I speak not these things as though the words of God had taken none effect. For they are not all Israelites which came of Israel;

Verse ConceptsNot Defeatedisrael

yer the children were born, when they had neither done good neither bad - that the purpose of God, which is by election, might stand - it was said unto her, not by the reason of works, but by grace of the caller,

Verse ConceptsElection, Characteristics OfGood Or BadBirthChosen Disciples

But O man what art thou, which disputest with God? Shall the work say to the workman, "Why hast thou made me on this fashion?"

Verse ConceptsPresumptionStriving With GodAnswering GodOther Unimportant PeopleMan's Relationship With His CreatorQuestioning GodMan's Relation To God

that he might declare the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had prepared unto glory:

Verse ConceptsElection, Results InPredestined PeopleGloryRiches Of GraceGod Will Show MercyMercy And Grace

that is to say, us which he called, not of the Jews only, but also of the gentiles.

Verse ConceptsThe Gentiles ConversionConsider Your Call To Salvation

As he saith in Hosea, "I will call them my people which were not my people: and her beloved which was not beloved."

Verse ConceptsBelovedReinstatementUnlovingGod's Call

What shall we say then? We say that the gentiles which followed not righteousness, have overtaken righteousness: I mean, the righteousness which cometh of faith.

Verse ConceptsGospel, Promises OfJustice, In Believers' LivesImputed RighteousnessPursuing GoodForeigners Saved By FaithRighteous By FaithGentiles

As it is written, "Behold I put in Zion a stumbling stone, and a rock which shall make men fall. And none that believe on him, shall be ashamed."

Verse ConceptsdefeatNot AshamedZion, As A SymbolCornerstoneCapstoneSaving FaithChrist The RockThe Effects Of FaithNot DisappointedDisappointment

For they are ignorant of the righteousness which is allowed before God, and go about to establish their own righteousness: and therefore, are not obedient unto the righteousness which is of value before God.

Verse ConceptsHypocrisy, Description OfLegalismSelf Righteousness, Nature OfSelf Righteousness, And The GospelSpiritual IgnoranceTrusting In WorksSeeking For Abstract ThingsIgnorance of GodignoranceFutile Faith

Moses describeth the righteousness which cometh of the law, how that the man which doth the things of the law shall live therein.

Verse ConceptsEffect Of The LawLife Through Keeping The LawWorks Of The Law

But the righteousness which cometh of faith, speaketh on this wise, "Say not in thine heart, 'who shall ascend into heaven?'" That is nothing else than to fetch Christ down.

Verse ConceptsImputed RighteousnessGoing Up To HeavenAbasing PeopleRighteous By FaithGoing To HeavenBelieving In Yourselffearless

But what saith the scripture? "The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thine heart." This word is the word of faith which we preach.

Verse ConceptsScripture, Purpose OfThe Gospel PreachedGod's Blessings Are NearOther References To The HeartRighteous By FaithSpeaking With The Mouthpreaching

God hath not cast away his people which he knew before. Either know ye not what the scripture saith by the mouth of Elijah, how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying,

Verse ConceptsGod, All knowingForeknowledgeCastawaysGod's ForeknowledgeGod Not ForsakingIsrael HardenedScripture Says

But what saith the answer of God to him again? "I have reserved unto me seven thousand men which have not bowed their knees to Baal."

Verse ConceptsBaal Worship, HistorySeven ThousandBowing To False GodsSurvivors Of Israel

Behold the kindness and rigorousness of God: on them which fell, rigorousness: but towards thee, kindness; if thou continue in his kindness. Or else thou shalt be hewn off,

Verse ConceptsGod's attitude towards peopleKindnessRemindersUnkindnessSeparation From GodAbiding With GodDownfall Of IsraelStrictnessThe Grace Of GodKindness As A Fruit Of The SpiritGoodness

even so, now, have they not believed the mercy which is happened unto you; that they also may obtain mercy.

Verse ConceptsReceiving God's Mercydisobedience

Destroy not the work of God for a little meat's sake. All things are pure: but it is evil for that man, which eateth with hurt of his conscience.

Verse ConceptsStumblingCausing Others To StumbleClean ObjectsWorking For GodEating MeatGod Turning Bad Things Into Goodpork

For Christ pleased not himself: but as it is written, "The rebukes of them which rebuked thee, fell on me."

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of OneselfInsultsSelfishnessUnselfishnessHumility Of ChristProphecies Concerning ChristNot Pleasing People

For I dare not speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the gentiles obedient, with word and deed,

Verse ConceptsCurbing SpeechMere TalkObeying The Gospel

For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia, to make a certain distribution upon the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsCollectionsMoney, Stewardship OfPoverty, Causes OfPoverty, Remedies ForRiches, Believers AttitudesGiving To The Poor