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And this is it that I mean: how that commonly among you, one sayeth, "I hold of Paul"; Another, "I hold of Apollos"; the third, "I hold of Cephas"; and the fourth that, "I hold of Christ."

lest any should say that I in mine own name had baptised.

I baptised also the house of Stephanas. Furthermore know I not whether I baptised any man of you or no.

Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the searcher of this world? Hath not God made the wisdom of this world foolishness?

What is Paul? What thing is Apollos? Only ministers are they, by whom ye believed: even as the Lord gave every man grace.

He that planteth, and he that watereth, are neither better than the other. Every man yet shall receive his reward according to his labour.

If any man build on this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, timber, hay, or stubble:

If any man's work, that he hath built upon, abide; he shall receive a reward.

If any man's work burn; he shall suffer loss. But he shall be safe himself, nevertheless yet as it were through fire.

With me is it but a very small thing, that I should be judged of you, either of man's day. No I judge not mine own self.

These things, brethren, I have described in mine own person, and Apollos, for your sakes - that ye might learn by us that no man count of himself beyond that which is above written: that one swell not against another for any man's cause.

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men.

This I say to your shame. Is there utterly no wise man among you? What, not one at all? That can judge between brother and brother?

All things are lawful unto me: but all things are not profitable. I may do all things: but I will be brought under no man's power.

For I would that all men were as I myself am: but every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, another after that.

But even as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every person, so let him walk: and so ordain I in all congregations.

If any man be called being circumcised, let him add nothing thereto. If any be called uncircumcised: let him not be circumcised.

Brethren, let every man wherein he is called, therein abide with God.

I suppose that it is good for the present necessity. For it is good for a man so to be.

If any man think that it is uncomely for his virgin if she pass the time of marriage, and if so need require, let him do what he listeth, he sinneth not: let them be coupled in marriage.

To speak of things dedicated unto idols, we are sure that we all have knowledge. Knowledge maketh a man swell: but love edifieth.

If any man think that he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.

But every man hath not knowledge. For some suppose that there is an idol, until this hour, and eat as of a thing offered unto the idol, and so their consciences being yet weak are defiled.

For if some man see thee, which hast knowledge, sit at meat in the idol's temple shall not the conscience of him which is weak be boldened to eat those things which are offered unto the idol?

If I be not an apostle unto others, yet am I unto you. For the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord.

Say I these things after the manner of men? Or sayeth not the law the same also?

But I have used none of these things. Neither wrote I these things that it should be so done unto me. For it were better for me to die than any man should take this rejoicing from me.

To the weak became I as weak, to win the weak. In all thing I fashioned myself to all men, to save, at the leastway, some.

But and if any man say unto you, "This is dedicated unto idols," eat not of it, for his sake that showed it, and for hurting of conscience - the earth is the Lord's and all that therein is -

Conscience I say, not thine: but the conscience of that other. For why should my liberty be judged of another man's conscience?

Even as I please all men in all things not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they might be saved.

Every man praying or prophesying having anything on his head, shameth his head.

Or else doth not nature teach you, that it is a shame for a man, if he have long hair:

If there be any man among you that lusteth to strife, let him know that we have no such customs, neither the congregations of God.

When ye come together in one place, a man cannot eat the Lord's supper.

For every man beginneth afore to eat his own supper. And one is hungry, and another is drunken.

If any man hunger, let him eat at home, that ye come not together unto condemnation. Other things will I set in order when I come.

For he that speaketh with tongues speaketh not unto men, but unto God. For no man heareth him: Howbeit, in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

But and if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is rebuked of all men, and is judged of every man;

If any man speak with tongues, let it be two at once - or at the most three at once - and that by course, and let another interpret it:

If any man think himself a prophet, either spiritual: let him understand what things I write unto you. For they are the commandments of the Lord.

But and if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

But some man will say, "How shall the dead arise? With what bodies come they in?

And what sowest thou? Thou sowest not that body that shall be: but bare corn - I mean either of wheat, or of some other -

All flesh is not one manner of flesh: but there is one manner flesh of men, another manner flesh of beasts, another manner flesh of fishes, and another of birds.

There is one manner glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, an another glory of the stars. For one star differeth from another in glory.