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So I wrote as I did, for fear that, if I had come, I should have been pained by those who ought to have made me glad; for I felt sure that it was true of you all that my joy was in every case yours also.

Verse ConceptsJoy, Of The ChurchOptimism

Now when I arrived at Troas to preach the good news of Christ, even though a door [of opportunity] opened for me in the Lord,

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofevangelism, motivation forDoorsOpen DoorsThe Gospel PreachedOpportunity

So, then, even though I did write to you, it was not for the sake of the wrong-doer, or of the man who was wronged, but to make you conscious, in the sight of God, of your own earnest care for us. And it is this that has encouraged us.