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We write no other things unto you, than that ye read and also know. Yea, and I trust ye shall find us unto the end

even as ye have found us partly, for we are your rejoicing, even as ye are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus.

I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother: but took my leave of them and went away into Macedonia.

I am therefore not now ashamed, though I boasted myself to him of you. For as all things which I preached unto you are true, even so is our boasting - that I boasted myself to Titus withal - found true.

lest peradventure if they of Macedonia come with me and find you unprepared, the boast that I made in this matter should be a shame to us: I say not unto you.

For we cannot find in our hearts to make ourselves of the number of them, or to compare ourselves to them, which laud themselves. Nevertheless, while they measure themselves with themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, they understand nought.

Nevertheless what I do, that will I do to cut away occasion from them which desire occasion, that they might be found like unto us in that wherein they rejoice:

For I fear, lest it come to pass, that when I come I shall not find you such as I would: and I shall be found unto you such as I would not. I fear lest there be found among you debate, envying, wrath, strife, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, and discord.